Chapter 1

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I sat on the front porch steps with the radio blasting "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey beside me. I was staring out into my yard lost in thought when I heard my mom calling me.

"Elizabeth! Come in here and help me make the food, the boys should be coming back soon!"

I sighed and stood up and walked through our screen door. We live in Nickerson, Kansas which is a small town that isn't even on the maps unless you zoom in. My family owns a farm so the boys all go work on it. Though I usually stay in town. As I walked through the living room to get to the kitchen I couldn't help but glance at our photo gallery above our fireplace that we never use. Pictures of family members who succeeded in their dreams, while the chances of me succeeding in my dreams are literally one in a trillion.

I walked into our kitchen with modern white appliances and old fashioned cabinets, my mom bustling at the stove.

"Liz, peel the potatoes." my mother snapped and I simply nodded pulled open one of the drawers and pulled out the peeler and grabbed the bag of potatoes.

"How many?" I asked.

"Seven because we are also having missionaries over." she stated over her shoulder. I nodded and pulled out the seven potatoes, rinsed them, then started to peel them over the trash. I have finally mastered the art of peeling them without dropping them in the trash and not cutting myself. Once I finished I put them in a large white bowl with blue lace decals and grabbed a fork and started mashing them.

"No, no, no! You're doing it wrong! Go set the table!" My mom quickly rushed over and grabbed the fork. I shrugged and started grabbing the plates. Why does my mom have to be so picky about how things are done. She even yells at me if I fold the sleeves of shirts wrong!

I quickly rushed into the dining room with the silverware and plates and started to set the table. A maroon wood with a polished finish and chairs with the same wood work with red cushions on the seats. The room has brick walls with two French doors. One leading to the kitchen while the other leads to the living room.

As soon as I finished setting the table I heard a car door shut so then I quickly glanced at my reflection at the small circular mirror in the dining room and walked over to the living room to say hi to the boys or missionaries. Whoever it is that arrived first.

"Good morning! You must be Sister Smiths daughter. A pleasure to meet you." One of the missionaries said with a heavy accent.

"Yes, I am her daughter. How was your drive here? It wasn't too terrible was it?"

"Not at all." the other missionary said with quite a deeper voice and slight accent.

"Where are you elders from?" I asked after I had let them in.

"I am from Australia." stated the one with the heavy accent. I nodded and looked at the other elder.

"Utah." stated the other and I gave him a small smile. Utah, the major state with Mormons, our religion. It seems like most of our missionaries come from there or from California.

"Well make yourselves at home. We'll eat when the other boys get back."

"They aren't back yet?" One of the missionaries asked his eyes a little nervously.

"Oh right, I forgot about the rule. But don't worry, they should be here..." I got cut off by the boys shouting and slamming their doors shut. I then smiled and opened the doors for the boys.

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