Chapter 5

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The next morning when you woke up, you got ready and the went out the door. Rhydian was grinning at you, sitting on the hood of his car "You ready to leave?" He calls out to you. You keep walking as if weren't there and ignore him. He continued to try to get your attention, but you turned your attention to your phone as you looked at your friend's message, saying he'll be here shortly. When he finally did arrive, Rhydian looked at him and frowned. When you were walking away, you could've sworn you heard and actual growl. Like a dog's growl. So when you got into the car, your friend Mitch Hammock was looking over to you. His black hair just barely hanging over his light brown eyes.

"Hey Mitch." You greeted as you hopped in. Mitch smiled at you before he started to drive. "So you know the plan, right?" You asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah, I do. Do you really want to do this? I mean it's been awhile since we've really hung out. I mean, you're still awesome and all, but I'm not sure this'll work." He told you. You smiled and looked at him.

"Oh, it will. Just stick to the plan, alright?" You told him. He nodded his head and you two continued heading for school. When you got there, you got ready as usual and watched as Mitch began to flirt with Ashley, hopefully to spark something in Rhydian. After a few minutes, both you and Mitch noticed it wasn't working so Mitch left and began to talk to you.

"Alright, well it looks as if your plan didn't work. Got any other bright ideas?" He asked you. You thought for a moment and nodded, grinning as you began to whisper in his ear.

"Alright. I'm gonna pretend to flirt with you. Just play along." You whispered Mitch nodded slightly and began to laugh at what appeared to be a private joke. You continued to pretend to flirt and Mitch pretended to flirt with you as well. You could tell this was angering Rhydian because he had that same expression he did when you left with Mitch. And another low growl was coming from him. When he noticed you were looking at him, he swiftly turned around and headed to the boy's locker room early to avoid you two. You smiled and looked at Mitch.

"I'm pretty sure it worked." You reported, smiling happily. "The tables have officially turned." You grinned as you left to the girl's locker room to get dressed.


When school was out, you got another ride home with Mitch and left. When you got home, you got out of the car and waved at Mitch as he left. When you turned around, Rhydian was frowning, leaning across your door so you couldn't get in. You smiled and tried to get past him, but he still wouldn't let you. "Let me through Rhydian." You ordered him. You continued to glare at you as he grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the woods behind your house. You struggled against him, but he ended up getting you there in the end.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He exclaimed, pacing angrily. You smiled and crossed your arms.

"Payback." You stated.

"Payback for what?" He asked you demandingly.

"For you flirting with Ashley." You admitted meekly. When you told him this, he calmed down a little and looked at you.

"That wasn't anything serious. If nothing I was seeing how you would react with me flirting with another girl." He told you, still trying to calm down.

"Well I think you know what my reaction was to that." You scoffed. He grinned, laughing brightly as he put an arm over your shoulder and pulling you close to his chest.

"Oh I do. It's called love if you're wondering." He grinned broadly, enjoying the situation and the quietness of the woods. You looked completely shocked as you stepped back, blushing madly.

"No it's not! I just don't want you to mix with the wrong crowds!" You retorted quickly. He laughed again andwalked away.

"Alright, whatever you say." He told you as he left rather quickly. You thought over everything and scoffed at the idea of being in love with Rhydian and left yourself. When you got back home you began to do your homework and looked out of your window as the sun began to set over the tops of the trees. You got up and looked at the bright full moon that was beginning. Appear on the horizon and proceeded to do your homework.

When you got done, the sun was by far set already and the moon was higher in the sky. You packed up your homework and went downstairs to eat dinner which was just some Chinese food your mom ordered. Taking the quart of shrimp lo mein, you walked back up to your room and began to watch TV while lying on your bed. ((If you're allergic to seafood, you can make it chicken lo mein instead)) You were watching your (f/movie) on ABC Family since they often did movie specials on weekends. As you were watching it, however, you heard faint howls come from the woods. You frowned and looked out of your window. "Odd. I don't think I've ever heard wolf howls in our woods before." You shook it off as you left it to the fact that perhaps you've never really paid attention that much.

In the end, you fell asleep with a remote in your hand, and a wolf song in your ears.

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