Peaceful Mornings

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Harry and you have been dating for a little over two years now, and you now lived with him in his nice and large flat/apartment, and you enjoyed every bit of seeing him all the time.

It was his first real day of his long break from One Direction, and he was out like a light. His soft snores echoed quietly through the room you two shared, and his eyes were closed, occasionally twitching, showing that he was dreaming.

You watched him with a smile on your face. His arms were wrapped around your waist, holding you as close to him as humanly possible. You had your cold hands against his warm, muscular, and inked chest.

Small beans of light seeped into your room, letting you see him easier than in the dark. It was times like this, watching him sleep-- his most vulnerable state-- was the most peaceful and where the most love you grew for him.

He trusted you enough to not only be by his side almost 24/7, but to also tell you his deepest fears, secrets, and feelings. That kind of trust was something you treasured more than the world.

You buried you head into the crook of his neck, enjoying the steady rythum of his breathing. How could you have gotten so lucky to get a guy like Harry?

You somehow managed to leave the warmth of his neck to brush his long and soft chestnut brown hair through your fingers; knowing Harry loved it when you did that. Especially when he wakes up to it.

He stirred a little, and moaned quietly.
His emerald green eyes slowly fluttered open, and a warm smile appeared on his lips.

"Mm, good morning Baby."

His deep, raspy, and velvety morning voice sent chills down your spine. His morning voice was so attractive to you, and it kind of turned you on a little.

"Morning, H," You replied happily, still brushing his hair through your fingers.

He sighed with bliss and relaxation. You knew by that sigh or moan (depending on how tired he was), meant that he was enjoying it, and it felt good to him.

"Sleep well, Haz?" You asked, his eyes staring at your hands playing with his hair.

"Mm-hmm," He responded, pulling you closer to him.

"That feels good," He muffled, his head on the crook of your neck.

"I know," You relied with a giggle.

He moaned happily as you ran your hands on his neck and bare back. He loved being touched and cuddled with, and you grew to love the same.

"I don't want this moment to end," He said in between kisses on your neck.

"Me neither," You agreed.

"I love mornings like this," He hummed, pressing his lips on yours happily.

"Me too, Harry. Me too."

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