He Takes Care of You

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  You have been feeling off lately and you couldn't figure out why. Finally, at two in the morning, you woke up and rushed to the bathroom, bent over the toilet and got sick.

  After a minute of sickness, I felt a strong hand gently hold up your hair. You groaned as your boyfriend, Harry Styles, was standing behind you.

"I'm sorry, Harry," You sighed.

"It's okay, Sweetheart. It happens to the best of us," He said, using his other hand to rub your back softly.

  After a few minutes of off and on sickness, you finally were done and washed your face and hands after flushing the toilet. Harry sprayed the bathroom down with Febreeze and Lysol while you walked back into bed, feeling horrible.

"Here, Babe," Harry said, grinning.

  He placed a cool and wet washcloth over your forehead. You sighed happily by the coolness of the cloth.

"Thank you, Haz," You mumbled, putting the sheets over yourself. 

"You're welcome, Y/N."

  He enters the bathroom and comes back a few seconds later with a thermometer. He handed it to me and I placed it under my tongue. After a few seconds it beeped. Harry carefully grabbed it out of my mouth, read the temperature the screen, and cleaned it.

"Do I have a fever?" You asked hoarsely.

"Yeah, you do Babe. Try not to talk when you don't need to. Just rest, okay? I will be near by if you need anything." He explained, kissing your cheek tenderly.

"Thank y-"

"Shh. I know, you're welcome Sweetheart," He said, smiling.

  Before he could leave your side to go back to bed, you grabbed his wrist. He turned around and looked back down at you.

  You could see the deep care, affection and love of you in his beautiful emerald green eyes. It warmed your heart with such love and admiration, you could help but smile with happiness.

"I love you so much, Harry," You smiled.

"I love you too, Y/N. So much."

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