The wolf

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One day I went into the woods and I found a huge tree with a swing and ,i went over to it and started to draw then i saw a adorable wolf pup . oh my i almost forgot to tell you about me . Well my name is blade .I am 18 5'1 I have neon blue eyes some freckles around them and i have curly neon blue hair that goes all the way to the back of my thighs  i have perfect sun kissed skin and i have a few tattoos one is on my right shoulder it is of a wolf howling at the moon my other tattoo starts below my under arm to my waist line is has blue  roses with vines I have a lip piercing and a belly button ring my favorite color is blue I'm a tomboy I rock snap backs my favorite animal is a wolf I have a neon green Mustang I call him Maximus and I have a motorcycle named black beauty . I have two brothers one is 16 his name is Niall he has brown hair but he died it blond but his roots are still brown he has blue eyes. My other brother is 24 his name Is Louis he has feathery brown hair with greenish blue eyes he acts like a 5 year old most of the time he has lots of tatoos on his arms and me and him have dirty minds me i like to think of it like i have a very sexy imagination. my friends names are Viper she has half green half hot pink hair to her waist is 5'4 neon green eyes and a bubbly personality. Harry he has a britsh accent has brown curly hair green eyes and a cheeky personality is 6'4 . Liam has brown eyes brown hair is 5'10 is protective of us girls .

Hope you like this chapter i may have added one direction i have lots of suprises on the way i will update as soon as i can and give me Credit im 12 I might spell stuff wrong im sorry i also have school and alot of home work my hair is brown with blue . Quote of the week :👊🏻silence is the loudest screams

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