Abby Love-Lawrence

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   My name is Abby Love-Lawrence is really Abby Love we just use one last name but my mother is obssed and always remind me "you're also my daughter, you should mention you're a Lawrence too" my mother is Anne Lawrence, CEO of Sweetie&Sweets company, my father Zen Love is a general surgeon who works in a big hospital and do conferences around the world, I had a brother he died when I was 13 of Lupus Axl Love.

   I'm a rich girl, I'm 17 years old, I'm on 11th grade on a private school very far from home, so I have a chauffer for driving me to school everyday, I used to receive classes at home but that changed when my mother decided I should go to school for improving my social skills so she meant I was a lonely teenager or she simply got tired of seeing me everyday at home. 

   I'm a short girl, with gray eyes, sometimes curly somentimes straight long hair.

   There's no much to say about me, I speak four languages: Spanish, French, German and English my native, I had to learn 'cause my family travel a lot on vacation and for business, I play the guitar and sing sometimes but I don't really like it.

   I have big dreams, I think I'll take after my father and be a doctor, even when that mean start a war with my mother 'cause she wants me to take care of the company, I really don't like business and it's an obligation for me to take classes of economics and finances and all that stuff three days a week 4 hours after school, so is not necessary to say that I don't own myself and I don't have a social live. I started going to school in 9th grade and I don't have real friends I don't really have time for making them, so I'm still guessing why my mother send me to school.

   Being part of this family have some advantages, I've been in so many places, my mother travel a lot and I'm always with her, I also can buy everything I want and they won't complain 'cause I'm spending too much money and just to be clear I don't. Sometimes is also tiring 'cause the most of the time people are not honest or just look after you because of the money, I think that's why I don't have friends of boyfriend nobody is complety honest, nobody is real.

   I've been looking for people with real emotions, who can say when they're going through a hard time or when they need a friend just to hear and advice them, doing things money can't buy, it would be nice, the people that are usually surround me are just too fake, always pretending something they aren't, or it is too superficial, talking always about beauty, jewelry, cosmetics, make up, gossiping about celebrities, things at some point will be gone with the time, I need to talk about real things, things that last in live, stuff that even if I die you'll remember 'cause you learn something from it, but apparently I'm asking for too much.

   My summer vacations are almost ending, this is my last week of enjoying myself, back to the routine, getting up early, having breakfast, going to school, going back home, studying, studying bussiness, Yoga and going to bed. Routine is tiring I don't have any free time, busy schedule always and my mom is really crazy about doing things on time. She doesn't miss a thing. 

   As you notice I don't talk about my father too much, he's never at home but he's the best I always can count on him when I'm down or when I want to talk about something. Even when he's miles away from home, he makes me feel him so close to me, I'm always at the phone with him.

   A moment that mark a difference in my life was my brother's death, I changed a lot I think we all did, now we appreciate our lifes and we enjoy every single moment we spend together as a family 'cause we don't know how much it'll last. My parents used to be gone for months, now a days they don't travel that often. I truly appreciate my life more, one day he was at the hospital fighting against lupus, and the day after that he was gone, like forever. It was shocking, it was everything I'll never be able to describe how bad I felt, I learned from him to never give up to fight till the end... After going through my brother's death; I learned we never get over pain, we just learn how to live with it. 



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