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"This would be the part where I write a quote that makes me seem educated." ~ MissYawn

The pale faced women panted as another series of pain assaulted her stomach and vagina. The snow white haired women yelped and grunted, pleading to someone to get her child out of her stomach.

"Listus please hold on. She's nearly out." Her friend for the last century, Roe held her hand as the children that she watched grow into elders try to deliver her child. 

Listus was a witch and a powerful one. She was the high priestess of an organisation called, The Church. Hidden among humans but a safety house for those who seek refuge from vampires, or hunters.

Witches used to be aplenty throughout the land, spreading magic among both supernaturals and humans, but than the witch hunt started and witches slowly depleted from one thousand to a hundred in only a century. Witches were known to live as long as Pure blooded vampires and when only a hundred were left they had to do something to make sure the magic bloodline carried on even if they had to sacrifice all.

So they fused all the magic bloodline into one witch and the rest were only known as Mediocre only being able to use talisman and charms that was made from that one powerful witch.

The witch hunters didn't know how essential the witches were to the earth until the earth slowly started dying along with human life, so thinking that they were the reason of such disaster they swore there own bloodlines to eternal slavery, becoming servants and paying for what they have done. The vampires were a different matter.

They demanded to be forgiven, thinking that they were naive and that it was the witches fault for not telling them how important they were to sustain the life on earth. So the organisation cut off all connections with vampires and banding together with the hunter association.

The one powerful witch was the boss or now known as high priestess of the organisation known as 'The Church' filled with prodigy humans who are known for their fighting styles and also being brought up by the High priestess who enhances their body with magic making them similar to aristocrats.

The door suddenly slammed open and a man with blonde hair and glasses rushed in. "Kain Cross!" Roe exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" Another elder stepped in front of him.

Kain had rushed straight to the Church as soon as he found out about the situation at hand. He knew as soon as Listus told him that the child that was in her stomach was his. But he was astounded, because his bloodline had a birth rate that was little to none and even more her own.

The witch bloodlines were tricky. A witches body only ever accepted a baby if the fathers bloodline would be enough to sustain the magic that the baby would have and the mother would always die if she was powerful.

Kain knew that he would have to bring his child up alone because of his lovers predicament.

"Roe, allow him through." Listus gasped. Roe shot a glare at Kain before allowing him through. He rushed to Listus' side and took her hand rubbing circles onto her skin. Listus shot him a weak smile before her side shot wide open in pain.

"Kain, I want you to take care of her. Show her the love I would give her. Show her before her fate shatters her dreams and hopes," Listus spoke in between breaths.

Kain nodded and placed a kiss in her pale sweating forehead, nodding. "Listus..."

"Priestess we can see the baby's head."

Kain and Listus looked into each others eyes as Listus struggled to get her child out while trying to sustain her magic as her baby sucked it out. A witch dies by her child sucking her magic out and a witches magic is her life line.

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