Chapter One

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Moving to New York was a risky thing to do, but so far it's paid off for me. Sure, I was an office temp for the first couple of months while I auditioned for every broadway show that I remotely fit the cast description. But the day finally came where I got a part in a broadway musical. Sure, it was a minor part as one of the flight girls in Catch Me If You Can, but it was something that paid the bills. Most importantly though, I met one of the most important people in my life, Aaron Tveit. While he is definitely swoon worthy, I don't swoon over Aaron. There's an 8 year age gap between us, and while it doesn't seem like much for adults, he's something like a big brother and mentor to me.

After CMIYC I stayed in New York and got a couple more supporting roles in musicals, but never any leads. Aaron, however, was determined that I would get a lead soon enough. Whenever he was in New York, he made sure that I was given vocal lessons by not only him, but two other instructors.  But Aaron pushed me more than anyone ever did. Some times we would argue over his lessons and end up having a huge yelling match, which did nothing for either of us except wear us down and get angry. We obviously always made up and got over it, since half of the things we did argue about were completely stupid. We couldn't not be talking to one another, we were practically family. Even when he was on set filming Graceland, or movies, or anything really, we talked everyday, whether it be a phone call or FaceTime even though he hated technology with a passion.

But Aaron was home again, and I had an audition so we worked for weeks counting up to this event. I was going to audition for the role of Heather Chandler in The Heathers for it's first trip to Broadway. While it wasn't the lead, both of us had decided that this role was best for me, so rolled with it and began picking out audition songs.

The audition was today, and Aaron had chosen to sleep over at my apartment instead of at his own, which was great because he was up all night, just as I was. I had creeped out of my room to get a glass of water around 1:30am since my nerves and excitement had refused to settle. As soon as I entered the kitchen and flipped on the light, I saw Aaron sitting at the counter with cookies and milk.

"Jesus Christ Aaron, you scared the crap out of me."

He laughed and offered me a cookie that I declined, "Hey, I knew you were bound to come creeping in any moment now. Besides, if I weren't in here I couldn't tell you to drink some chamomile tea right now instead that glass of ice cold water you have in your hand so that you can actually go to sleep."

I smirked with him and made my cup of tea before sitting down. We sat in silence for a while until he spoke, "You know you're going to do great, I have a feeling about this one." Without even looking over he knew I was getting ready to say something and interrupted me. "And I know you are going to say that I say that every time, but I swear to you it's different this time Genevieve."

I looked over and sighed, "Wow so serious that you used my full name." I finished with a smirk and looked at Aaron rolling his eyes.

"So serious that you should go to sleep. You know what they say about beauty sleep..." He laughed right before I smacked him in the arm and walked right back to my room actually feeling sleepy. The second I hit my bed I fell asleep.


I found myself waking up to the smell of food cooking. I looked at the clock and saw it was 6:30am and knew that Aaron was cooking something that was ridiculously healthy and that we were going on a run in Central Park as soon as we ate. Groaning, I got up and threw on a pair of nike shorts and a dry fit long sleeved shirt. Hoping to sneak a cup of coffee in instead of some organic juice, I tip toed out of my room and past the kitchen to head down to the apartment building lobby where they always kept coffee canisters. As I reached my hand for the knob, Aaron shouted from the kitchen.

"Don't even think about sleuthing out of here to try and drink or eat something terrible. I know you smell this food cooking." I was busted.

"How. Are you even human. I was quiet as can be." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some silverware and cups to set the table while Aaron finished up.

"It's a sixth sense," he said as he grabbed a pitcher of oddly colored liquid that wasn't quite green, but wasn't quite orange. He just laughed at my obvious look of disgust that was on my face and poured some liquid in the cups on the table. I saw down and picked up the cup to smell it. It definitely smelled fruity. Aaron came back out of the kitchen with two bowls and set them down in our spots.

"Aaron, are we really eating a salad for breakfast?" I asked incredulously, looking at the colorful bowl in front of me that contained an egg on top.

"It's a breakfast salad. It has cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, and tomatoes in it. It's al stuff you like. Come on you have 15 minutes to eat, we have a busy day." I grunted and stabbed the bowl aggressively with my fork.


"I can't even feel my legs anymore. I am walking on noodles!" I yelled walking into my apartment. Aaron laughed and replied.

"Come on, it wasn't even that bad. It was only 3 miles, and you have run more than that!" He disappeared into the kitchen so I followed while yelling.

"One of these days you are going to kill me from working me out so much. Or I'm going to look like Jillian Michaels." I told him

Looking at me with a look of ridiculousness Aaron said "Now you are just being dramatic. Drink a water and go shower you stink." He walked past me and started fake gagging from my 'stench.' I followed him into the living room and sat next to him on the couch and greedily drank from the water bottle. I don't give a damn what anyone says, I was no athlete and 3 miles was a bit much. Especially at Aaron's pace.

"What if—" I started but was cut off.

"Absolutely not. No negativity today. And besides it's like 9 and auditions start at 11:30. You need to shower and get ready."


Sitting in Aaron's car outside the theater, I couldn't help but fell jitters as I looked out the window at the building. We had just pulled up and had done vocal warm ups and exercises the entire 20 minute ride and the closer we got, the more my nerves got riled.

"Listen Gen, I know you are going to do great okay. I told you that I have a great feeling about this one. Now just call when you are done and we can go to lunch after and do whatever you want later today as long as it doesn't involve getting a mani pedi again."

I laughed and the memory of Aaron getting a mani pedi with me once, and his refusal to admit that it was the least bit relaxing. I nodded and leaned over to kiss Aaron on the cheek.

"Thanks Aaron, you're the best see you in a bit."

"Break a leg!" he yelled out the window as I walked into the theater that was filled with at least 50 women already. I took a deep breath and walked into the crowd.


A/N: Hey so this is my first story and I know it sucks, but if anyone even reads it, feedback would be appreciated

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