The Beginning Of It All

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Chapter 1:

"Aubern Daze... Aubern" Someone taps you on the shoulder and you take your earphones out.

"Aubern" Mr Scarnett says impatiently.

"Oh sorry, I'm here Mr Scarnett" you retort.

"Next time I suggest paying attention in class instead of listening to gay British boy bands, Miss Daze"

"Sorry I don't listen to the wanted" you snap back. A few girls in the back of the class and you continue listening to "kiss you". (There is a knock at the door, you obviously don't hear)

"Welcome Mr Stone, you can just take a seat next to Aubern, Aubern raise your hand so Oliver knows where to be seated."

Someone grabs your hand and raises it for you but you just look at them confused then take your earphones out.

"Put your phone away Miss Daze" You roll your eyes and put your phone in your bag.

"Hey, I'm Oliver" he says directed to you. Not realising he is talking to you, you sit unfocused humming.

"Its Aubern right?" hearing your name you look up.


"Oh sorry I was just introducing myself, I'm Oliver"

You look at him more deeply and start analysing but the world seemed to stop around you. He was beautiful, unlike anyone you had ever seen in this town before, his hair was golden blonde and slightly overgrowth falling over his emerald green eyes as he looked down. He is a little bit taller than you with perfectly defined muscles and a tanned completion. You were lost in the perfection that was Oliver Stone.

"Miss Daze it is impolite to stare" Mr Scarnetts droning voice snaps you out of unfocusedness and you blush embarrassed.

"Oh sorry Oliver"

"Don't worry about it, oh and call me Oli"

"So Oli what school did you go to before here?"

"Oh um.. You know one ages away.. in the middle of nowhere, you wouldn't know it" he mumbles not giving eye contact.

"C'mon try me, you never know I might"

Oliver's eyes scan the room swiftly.

"Oh um.. Upper... Criss... High"

"Hmm I guess you were right, I don't know it" you laugh flirtatiously. He smiles back at you. (The bell rings)

"Oh well I better go then I'll see you later"

He rushes out of class, but you grab your bag and run after him.

"If you want you can hang out with me"

"Nah it's alright I'm just going to go to.... The Library... to... study."

"Oh okay well I will see you later then"

Slightly offended you turn around and walk to meet up with Roxy your other half, who is completely opposite to you and un-doubtfully inappropriate. She spots you coming towards her and runs frantically to you.

"Guess what!!" she screams excitedly


"We have a new kid.. and he is a sexy man beast"

"Sexy man beast? Should I be worried is there a werewolf roaming the school."

"Aubern, don't joke about this we have to go perv on him"

"The things I do for you rox"

"His name is Cameron and he has a brother."

"How old is his brother" You ask trying not to sound interested.

"Same age, Their twins, but they look nothing alike each other"

"Rox, not all twins look alike it just means they were in the whom together"

"Pfft... I knew that." Roxie gets distracted and stares straight ahead.

"THERE THERE, That's his brother"

You look ahead to see what they look like, but all you see is Oliver.

"His names Oliver, you should you know hit that" Rox winks at you.

"Argh... your gross rox, he is in my class he sits next to me"

"Perfect its meant to be then"

"You're so silly" you nudge her lightly

"You can't honestly say you don't want to get in his pants" You look up at her and she sees right through you.

"Oh my gosh you so want him"

"Oh Shut up he is crazy hot I can't help it" you giggle and can't keep your eyes off him and apparently he can't keep his eyes off you either because you both start to stare directly at each other. Roxie slaps you.

"Aubern, your staring at him, you don't want him to think you're a creep do you?"

"Oh dammit I hope he didn't notice"

"Yeah he noticed"

"Oh fantastic"


"Oliver you know what we are here for, don't let yourself get distracted, you have already spent most of your day staring at the one person you shouldn't let suspect anything of us."

"I'm sorry okay, I can't help it, she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, are you sure they are right about her?" you ask nervously.

"Never doubt the leaders Oliver!"

"I don't doubt them, it's just... I don't see what's so bad about her."

"Just because she doesn't look evil doesn't mean she isn't Oliver"

"I know Cameron, Alright I know, but normally I can sense evil and I'm not sensing it, not with Aubern."

"Just please be careful Oliver, don't put yourself in danger because of your theories, your here to get information from her and that's it."

"I know, i promise I will be careful"

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