A Bitch of an Alpha

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Hey so first book I've ever written. I never read the authors notes at the top, idk If you're that type of person, but throughout this book I promise a lot of hot, jealous wearwolves and a lot of heated scenes;)
"Damn you Brooks! I swear if we were not supposably meant to be mates, I would totally leave your sorry ass here." If he thinks he can get away with flirting with other girls in our pack he can forget about it. He's such an immature Alpha.

"Emery! Babe, you're the only one I need" he whispers in my ear, his lips gently graze my neck as he continues,"You know you can't resist me". I step away knowing what's best for me. I'll show him that I'm the real Alpha in this so called "relationship". He snakes up behind me, his 6'2" self is hovering above my measly 5'4" body. He leans down in the crook of my neck and slowly kisses, sucking harder and harder until I'm sure my neck is covered with hickeys. I push myself back into him, getting caught up in the moment, the way his body pleases mine is indescribable, he knows exactly what to do and where to do it.

He chuckles, " I love when I can tease you like that". His cocky comment snaps me back to how much of an asshole he is.

For the fun of it I pretend to be swooning under his presence. I moan, supposably telling him to slide down and grab my ass. Just as we get into a rhythm I knee him in the balls.
"Shouldda kept your hands off that other girl" I say, attitude full blown at this point. And as I walk away I throw a sarcastic "mate" over my shoulder, knowing that I just pissed him off. Good he goddamn deserves it.
Brooks thinks because we're "mates" that he can use me as his sex toy. When he wants, he gets it. Which for him sadly, is not the case. I hate him. And even if the saying goes "there's a thin line between love and hate", this line is thicker than Kim Kardashian.

I push out of our cabin, feeling accomplished that I stood up to that dickwad. But feeling like I got no where because I know he will do the same thing in 2 days. I think of the only place I can to get away from here, which happens to be a place without Brooks, and because of that reason it's my favorite place. I start hiking up the mountain, knowing the way to my spring like the back of my hand. As I get there I'm relieved to see the chocolate chip cookies I left here the other day are still there.

I sit with my feet in the freezing natural spring, eating my cookies, overlooking the forest I dare not to venture into, knowing it's the other pack's territory.

I sit for a while, thinking of how my life could be different. If my mother wasn't attacked by another werewolf, I could be with her right now... Maybe my life wouldn't seem so fucked up then.

Before dark I make my way back to camp, returning to a very much pissed off Brooks, which only pisses me off more. Out of all the wolves in the world, why did he have to claim me as his mate. Now no other wolf in the camp even dares to look at me in fear of Brooks. But even Brooks knows that I could very well beat him in hand to hand contact, it's the wolf fighting I lack in.

As I walk into the cabin Brooks wakes up, "damn woman, could you be a little quieter I'm trying to sleep can't you see?". And with that remark I head back out, this time taking my pillow and blanket because no way am I sleeping in a bed with that asswipe.

I head back out to my spring. Not fearing for the dark or the other pack, but fearing that I'll be stuck with Brooks forever.

As I put my stuff down I lay and watch the stars until sleep overcomes me.

I'm dreaming. I have to be. I woke up to rustling only to see the biggest, most beautiful wolf I've ever appear from the brush. His eyes lock with mine, icy blue. I try to look away but I cannot, I'm consumed by its stare. It steps closer to me, I don't move. Emery c'mon now, get up and change. I am paralyzed by its stare. It's no wolf from the pack. Although it seems familiar yet foreign at the same time. His fur is beautifully black, no flaws, perfect. I'm in awe at him. No Emery, I'm mentally screaming at myself now but, he's so gorgeous. I start to panic a little, thinking of how I could change, but before I can conjure up a plan he vanishes, toward the opposing pack's territory. An all to familiar name pops into my head, Colton Pierce. The Alpha of the enemy pack.
Please tell me how it was! I'm scared lol I've never done this, any suggestions? This is just setting it up, it may be a bit boring but I need to set it up;)

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