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Art By: @TinieKawaii

Wow, guys! We're already at 2K reads! How amazing! I've been through this stage of books many times but I always get excited. Enjoy!

Chapter 17 - Mental Torture

{Y/N}'s P.O.V:


The grafitti imprinted on the stone walls were all leading to something suicidal in your mind. After only 4 hours of being trapped in the dark room, the constant torture never ended.

Neverending aches in your chest always occurred, or the river of tears from your eyes.

The heavy doors open, and for a split second, there was light, and you smile widely at the warmth, but then they shut and the cold atmosphere returns.

In walks the same robot chicken you saw for the past hours in the room, and this time, she held a leather whip.

Over time, your energy had faltered, so the best you could do was curl into a little ball as the robot strided over to you.

She raises the whip and you hold your breath as it slams down onto your back. Even with clothes on, it hurt like hell.

"You have to pay for what you've done to us." She says like she has for the other times you say her as the whip made contact with your back once more.


{GOLD's P.O.V:}

Her gaze seems to cut right through me, and her amber orbs look light they could kill someone right then and there. She yanks me up to the face height by my shirt collar and speaks to me in a hurry, "Now, listen here, Goldie-"

All my focus turns to her, and her tone of voice seems to draw me in. She's breathing heavily as she continues, "I'm gonna let you go, but only so you could stay outta my relationship, got it?" She points out as I nod frantically.

"I swear, you're cute sometimes," she says before dropping me to the floor. I lay down a bit, my eyes closed when I sit up and notice Maria isn't there anymore.

I sigh to myself and stand up, brushing off my vest and start walking down the hall when I hear the scream's of (Y/N).

Immediately, I start running to the source of the noise and stop in front of a steel door with the words that imprint, 'Private Issues'. I simply ignore the sign and begin to twist the handle when I'm roughly shoved to the ground.

My breath catches in the throat and I look up to see the mere shadow of the man I dreaded to see, "Sh-Shadow? How did you-" I start when I'm cut off by deep laughter.

Shadow gives me a lopsided grin, the sick kind when he vanishes into thin air and behind him stands a menacing looking Fredbear, his claws sharpened and his mouth covered in blood, "Sometimes I wonder how you seem to manage life, Gold."

He advances towards my position on the ground and grips my arm, his nails digging into my skin. My arm goes numb from the unbearable pain and so does my tongue from biting it to prevent myself from screaming.

Fredbear notices my resistence and does the same to my other arm, lifting me in the air just by my arms. I eventually start tearing up and begin to scream, begging him to let go, "STOP, PLEASE!"

I'm lifted higher into the air, and the floor seems to be a hundred metres away. I start to breathe heavily as Fredbear squeezes my arms tighter.

"I hope you understand, Goldie, why we're doing this," the low voice of Fredbear states, "everyone has to pay for what they've done."

Anger bubbles inside me and I thrash violently in his grip, "What the f**k are you talking about?! (Y/N) did NOTHING to us!"

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, Goldie."

My expression changes from furious to quizzical and I listen to Fredbear, "You see, Goldie, the Purple Man is hiding somewhere."

"We've searched high and low for the pest and yet, we can't find him." Scenarios play through my head as to what Fredbear's leading to, "So, when you brought little (Y/N) into our world, we found him."

"I-I don't understand- What does (Y/N) have to do with the Purple Man's hiding place?"

Fredbear's menacing look falters and he stares me in the eye. He waits a while, seeming to be thinking when he speaks, "The Purple Man is inside (Y/N)."



"Alright then, Toy Bonnie, if you think you know so much," I start and the blue haired boy's face changes to neutral, "then where the f**k is

I hear his annoying laugh again before he speaks, "She's going through the Soul Extract process," he says and my eyes widen, "anything else, pretty boy?"

A slight blush grows on my cheeks when he says that and BonBon notices, "You're cute when you're shocked," he says, deepening my blush more, "but I think you should head off to find (Y/N)."

He let's go of me and I rush away from our position on the wall and I stand in the doorway. I look back at BonBon and wink, "Thanks, bro."

He waves and smiles, "Anytime. Now go find Princess!"

I nod and sprint down the halls as quick as I can, excited about finding her, okay, (Y/N), where are you?

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