Chapter 4

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I kissed her. I deepened the kiss but she pulled away. "Wait why did you kiss me?" She asked. "I kinda like you." I gave her an evil grin. She hugged me tight. Then she kissed me on the cheek.

She walked out of the bathroom. That was awkward. I walked out of the bathroom and girls started crowding me. "Sir Styles! I've been looking for you all over!" My bodyguard Kevin freaked. "Kevin pls add some people on the guest list. I'm expecting visitors later."


I didnt dare tell anyone what happened. Not even Cara. Not even Sasha. It wasnt the time yet to. Wow he kissed me. He likes me. I'm just wow. My crush likes me. And he's a celebrity!

I ran to my seat just as the concert started. "Girl where have you been?!" Cara freaked. "To the bathroom where else?"


Then music started playing. Its was End Of The Day. "AAAHAHAHAHA" Everyone shouted.

"I told her that I love her. Was not sure if she heard. The roof was pretty windy and she didnt say a word. Party died in downstairs and nothing left to do. Just me, her and the moon......." He sang looking at me, his green beautiful eyes met mine. He winked at me at the end of the song.

"Oooh Harry is your new girlfriend here?" Louis asked. Fans started to go wild. "Maybe." Harry gave an evil smile. I laughed so hard.

After that incident, they sang Never Enough. Then they had a twerking contest. Harry was really good so I wasnt surprised that he won.

"So ladies, who's having a good time?" Liam asked. "Aaaah!" Harry screamed like a girl, mocking us in a cute way. I was crying because I'm just seeing my idols. Harry walked to our side and whispered something to the usher then held my hand.

"See you later love." He winked. Fans around me started screaming. I smiled back. He walked back to the others.

"Oh my gosh is Harry your boyfriend?!"


"I love you!"

"Follow me on Instagram! I'm @ sugarmeharry (a/n thats my ig acc aha)!!

The fans were bombarding me with questions. "Harry!! Is that your girlfriend?" Niall pointed to me. Trying to tease him. "No. She is just a friend! How about we talk about Made In The A.M.?" Harry said, trying to change the topic.

That kiss a while ago, it was passionate. Harry likes me. I started to sweat. And I just realized that Sasha and Cara are gone. Fuck.

"CARA! SASHA! Where are you!?" I shouted. I couldnt here their voices because of the loud noise. "Okay this song is dedicated to each and every single one of you. This is Dont Forget Where You Belong." Louis said.

They sang DFWYB then A.M. then 5 more songs and the concert was finished. "Goodnight loves! We enjoyed tonight and we hope to see you again." Liam and the others waved. "OH BABY YEAH." Harry shouted and everyone laughed then they gave us kisses then went backstage.

When I was heading backstage,, some fans rushed up to me to ask questions. I answered some and we took some pictures then left. I tried calling Sasha.

Riiiiiiing riiiing.

VM: Heyyy its Sasha. I'm kinda busy right now but you can leave me a message! If youre someone from One Direction then I love youuu. Leave your message now.
Bella: Heyy Sasha! Where are you!?!! Come backstage and tell the guards your name and come to 1D's dressing room. Long story ill tell you later bye.


I turned off my phone and walked to the entrance backstage. "Hello ma'am may I pls have your name?" The gruff and big bodyguard asked me. "Bella Miller." I replied. "Okay ummm go straight turn left then go to the first room on your right." He explained. I mouthed a 'thank you' then made my way to their dressing room.

I was nervous I mean, what the heck. I'm meeting the biggest boyband in the world. And right now, I'm standing in front of their dressing room. I knocked on the door.

I was breathing heavily. Heavy footsteps came this way. And guess who opened the door? Niall.

"Oh. Um hi! I'm Niall Horan. And you are?" He asked. "OMG! Hi Niall. I'm Bella. Bella Miller. I'm here to see Harry."


"Harry has been talking non stop about you. He likes you." Niall said, in his cute way.

I was confused at the word 'girlfriend'. Harry walked this way. "Hey Bella." He smiled and I smiled back.

"OMG HARRY!" I ran to him I started crying. "I love you so much!"

"Aaawww we all love you Bella!" Then Liam, Louis and Niall hugged us and we had a group hug. Harry wiped my tears. Then we walked to the couch. We talked about so many things. We talked about the new album, their big break, potatoes, paps and a lot more.

Until there was a knock on the door. "Ill go get it." Niall said. He walked to the door. He opened it and Cara was there, her eyes widened with tears. "AAAAAAAAH! NIALL BABY!" She started hugging him tightly. "Aaaw youre so adorable love." Niall complimented her.

Then, Cara suddenly fell to the floor, and passed out. I got up and ran to her. "Cara!" I started doing CPR. Niall and Liam helped me revive her while Louis and Harry or "Larry" get water for Cara. Woah Cara is such a fangirl.

Louis came this way and handed me the water. "Thanks Louis." I thanked him with a smile.

He smiled back. Then Cara started waking up. Until a girl walked out from the restroom. "Oh my gosh! Whats the commotion?!" I realized it was Lou Teasdale. "Hi Lou. I'm Bella. My friend here fainted whe she saw Niall." I explained.


Bella was a really nice person. I wanted to know her better. Cara's eyes suddenly opened and she stood up and thamked everyone.

"Bella, can I talk to you alone?" I asked her. "Of course." She replied.


Ooooohhhh what do you think cheeky charming sweet Harry will ask? And maybe we'll have a dirty Harry in some chapters so yeah :). Make sure to vote and comment your opinions love ya'll

-Theodora X

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