CHAPTER ONE: Nightmares

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"Wise men say,

Only fools rush in,

But I can't help falling In loveeeee....."

Dean followed the sound of the music that had haunted him for years, hoping he would find what he was looking for when he found the source. Then he saw it. At first it just looked like the bedroom of his old apartment, Cas's record player still there playing the anthem of his death. But there was something else, on the bed. A person. Dean's slowly approached the still body, heart beating wildly. Then suddenly it starts to move. Deans stops.


Cas's pale yet familiar face was staring back at him.

"Hello, Dean." Cas said as he stood up, a smile on his face.

"Cas is that- Is that really you?" Dean says, the presence of excitement and relief in his voice.

Cas's smile faded slightly, a look of confusion taking over his face, "Why wouldn't it be?"

Dean let out a small laugh, close to tears. "God Cas I- I missed you so much I-" Dean stopped talking as he realized something was wrong. Cas was getting skinnier, more pale, and he started coughing up blood.

"C-Cas?" Dean said hesitantly, worry conduming his facial features. "Cas what's wrong?" Dean said as the lump in his throat grew, making it hard to breathe.

"Why did you leave me?" Cas said, the pain in his voice prominent. "Why did you hurt me?"

Tears spilled over onto Dean's cheek. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry I ever left I'm so sorry" Dean said as he sobbed.

Cas was almost as thin as a twig now, barely breathing, blood leaking out of his nose.

" Why did you do this to me? Why did you hurt me?" Cas repeated silent tears streaming down his face.

Dean started to move towards Cas, when the whole room erupted into flames.

"Why did you leave me?! Why did you hurt me?!" Cas was screaming now, the fire surrounding him.

"Cas?! Cas?!!"  Deam was yelling at the top of his lungs, but Cas paid no attention, continuing to repeat himself.

"Dean" Dean had heard his name, but he didn't know where it was coming from.

"DEAN" louder now

the bedroom started to crumble, Cas disappearing in the giant flames, though Dean could still hear the music clearly,

"Wise men say,

Only fools rush in,

But I can't help,

Falling in love with y-"


Dean sat up in bed, sweaty and out of breath, a worried Sam looking down at him.

"Sammy? What are you doing here?" Dean asked as he began to stand.

"You weren't answering your phone," Sam gestured to the old flip phone sitting on deans table "I got worried."

"Sam, how many times do I have to tell you, I'm doing just fine" Dean said unconvincingly, a sad, broken smile on his face.

"No, Dean, you're not" Sam said, obvious worry and bit of sympathy showing in his tone. "This is the fourth time this week I came over and saw you having one of those nightmares. It hurts me to see you like that."

"Yeah, okay Mom." Dean said coldy as he started to walk away.

"Dean, I'm serious. It's been 7 years, I'm tired of seeing you so broken, so lost!" Sam said, yelling now. Tears welled up in Dean's eyes, his face like stone. They stood there like that for a minute, silent. Then Dean turned and walked away, the tears finally spilling after all those years of using alchohol to numb the pain and any distraction he can find to try and forget.

"Dean." Sam said as he followed Dean, until he got a door slammed in his face, "Dean I'm sorry" he said through the door as his brother cried.

"Just go" Dean said quietly, but loud enough that Sam could hear.


"LEAVE!" Dean yelled, his voice breaking.

lingering for a second longer, Sam sighed and walked away.

He knew what his brother was going through but, seven years. All he wanted

was to help his brother, to take away his suffering and pain. But with Dean constantly pushing him away, all he could do was watch as his big brother destroyed himself. And it was destroying him.

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