Chapter 16

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Chapte 16

Lynette's POV

Three days later.

I woke up. I was doing better. But I still did have staches on my face and arms. I got up and went to take a shower.

I let the hot water just hit my back. Then when I was done I got out and went to put some clothes on. It was strange that he had clothes in my size. I put on a white blouce and black jeans and some flats.

I went down stairs to see Drake. I have to tell him that I have to go back to the huntes head quarders. If I am gone for more than five days then they will send a search party. I walk into the kitchen to see him there already.

He was drinking what looked like red whine in a glass. I knew it wasnt though. It was blood. He is a vampie after all.

"Drake I must go back today."I said. "Why is that?"He asked. "Because they will start looking for me soon. Don't wory I will see you again."I said with a smile.

He used his vampire speed and was in front of me. "Then I must tell you something before you leave."He said. "What is th-"I was cut off when his lips touched mine. He was kissing me. At first I did not respond but then I started to move my lips with his.

One hand of his was in my hair the other one around my waist pushing me closer to him. My arms were aound his neck.

We contiued fo several minutes. Then we both stopped. Huh. I breathed. I looked at him. "So what did you want to tell me?"I looked at him. "I love you."He said. What!? Love? No the last peson I loved tried to kill me. I could not love.

"I must go now I will see you in a few days."I said. Then quickly exited though the front door. I knew where I was. I was 20 miles away from head quaters. I would walk to through the woods. I knew it was along time but I had time.

A few hours later.

I finally made it to head quaters. "Lynette Garcia."I turned and looked. It had the head master.

"Yes sir."I said. "Where have you been for the last three days?"He said. "I got attacked by vampies. But a family found me and they brought me back to health. I could not walk. So I couldnt ask them to bring me here or we would beak are cover."I said.

"Well go to the confrense room we have mission."He said. I nodded and walked to the confrense room. There was about 10 other people in there.

"Hunters. You are the top of the society right now. We have a opporunity right now. The vampires are having a ball. The ball is the day of the eclipse. We have word that tons of vampires will be there. Some of these vampires have been on our hit list for years."He said.

"So each of you have been asigned a team of 10. You as the leader of the group. Now when the clock stikes 12 you start to attack. You and your teams will be on the inside. We will also have tons of hunters on the outside."He said.

"Now this ball is masquade so we have had dresses and suits made up for all of you. As well as masks. The ball is tomorrow. Your teams have already been made up and they will be waiting for you tomorrow. And we have also got a witch to do a spell to mask are scents with vampires. They will think you vampires. So now go to your room and we will have a small meetign before tomorow."He said. We all said ok and left.

I went to my room and saw my dress and inavataiton has already been delivered to my room. Tomorrow will be a busy day for me.

The next day.

I was ready. My hair culed. Make-up down and my dress was on. I had weapons all over me. The last touch was to mut the mask on. I just had it in my hands for now.

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