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Dick: Happy Halloween, Bruce! Look who's all adorable and ready for trick or treating!
Damian: I am not adorable, Grayson! I am the NIGHT!
Tim: I'm going to Titans Tower. We had an agreement and... This is not my idea
Jason: *heavy breathing*
Bruce: *spits out coffee*
In most people's minds Dick Grayson is the 2nd Batman, but Battle for the Cowl says other wise:

Jason steals the Batsuit and becomes Batman, making him the 2nd Batman and the most brutal. Tim argues with Dick that Jason must be stopped, but, after Dick doesn't listen, takes a spare suit and confronts Jason by himself. Tim ends up brutally beaten and Dick finally gets a Batsuit (the golden/silver age, the blue and gray one... It was made by Alfred) and fights Jason, ending up winning bc he's the 'Best Robin' *rolls eyes* Golden Boy... In Batman Issue 666# Azrael has a vision, wherein in the future Damian is now Batman. He apparently sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for immortality (Me: *cries* now I want to have demon blood or at least be a demon! Sorry bro number 2 [Jace Herondale]now I'm kinda jealous of Sebastian Morgenstern 😞) and has lived for hundreds of year, when HE COULD HAVE USED THE LAZARUS PIT LIKE RA'S!!!! And then in the far future, Damian is like a grandpa and is training the new Batman, Terry McGinnis. Azrael was Bats before Jason, so he's like the second-ish but I'll say 2.5

Bruce- 1
Azrael- 2.5
Jason- 2
Tim- 3
Dick- 4
Damian- 5
Terry- 6

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