Stuff No. 95

150 13 7

Sparkles* was not invited to go see the latest Star Wars movie with the rest of the Yogscast.


NOW THAT IS JUST RUDE! He ended up seeing it anyway. I HAVE A TOP HAT! I HAVE STEAM PUNK GOGGLES! I HAS A BOW TIE! I AM SANE! Oh wait, forget that last one, I am not sane, I'm in the sane... He he he... *crickets*.  Still 1/11.

OK, now just the other day, one of my friends said that she had gone into the city and over heard a lady talking to another lady about food for lunch and that she didn't want Mexican, italian, french, indian, it had to be gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, vegan, no alcohol, it had to have meat, it needed to be grass-fed, humanly raised and that the meat didn't touch any vegetables. 

Now don't tell me that isn't picky.

Question Of The Day:

I am getting the tips of my hair dyed soon so what colour do you think I should dye them? (I'm ginger just incase you didn't know)

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