Chapter Seven

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Adrianna gripped the handle tighter trying to be as silent as possible, trying not to set Hayden off into a whirlwind of emotions. No words could describe what Adrianna saw before her very eyes, her eldest foster child bleeding out onto the glistening white tiled floor, now stained with blood. The metallic tang struck her nose causing her to gag as she screamed out for her other children to call 911 immediately.
Alex was the second person to see the damage that Hayden had done to himself, all the inflicted wounds that no one knew of and just hid under his clothing. "I'm sorry you had to see him like this.." Alex says as he wraps his arm around Ardrianna's shoulders and comforting her, neither of them were prepared to inform Mathias of what just happened within the space of a hour.
"I just wish he would've talked to me" Adrianna replied wiping away tears with the side of her hand
  "He's got serious emotional damage from mother... He'd hate me for telling you any of this he's very strict on what we tell people," Alex pauses "We, all three of us were abused for most of our childhood, more so Hayden then Mathias and I. Mother used to want us to be this 'perfect family' but things didn't go her way and she got too caught up in abusing us she forgot to be a wife to our father"
  "That's all I need to know to go to the police"
   "Don't you dare. Hayden would kill all of us, and I know he's capable of it too."

The same paramedic who escorted Hayden out on a stretched came in and handed Adrianna brochures of different counselling options for Hayden, she knew instantly that no matter how many times she tried to get him to go he wouldn't.

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