Eriol Hiiragazawa x Syaoran Li

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Eriol Hiiragazawa x Syaoran Li

01 - Comfort

And Syaoran ignored the smug chuckle from above him as he tightened his grip around Eriol's waist and inhaled the comforting scent of snuggle fabric softener. "You did the wash today..." He murmured in content.

02 - Kiss

Eriol leaned forward until their breaths were mingling, his mischievous gray eyes meeting Syaoran's embarrassed brown ones. "So, about that kiss..." He said, plucking the Hershey kiss from the basket in Syaoran's hand.

03 - Soft

"Your hair," Eriol said as he combed out the tangles from Syaoran's freshly-washed brown locks and ignored the glare he received as he finished the statement. "Is softer than a girl's."

04 - Pain

"I-It hurts..." Syaoran whispered, clenching his eyes shut and taking in a shaky breath as Eriol slowly pushed into him, kissing Syaoran's forehead and whispering reassuringly.

05 - Potatoes

Sakura blinked as she tossed another perfectly peeled potato into the pile she and Hiiragazawa-kun were making, wondering why on earth Syaoran was glaring from Hiiragazawa-kun to his butchered potatoes and back again.

06 - Rain

Eriol liked to drink his English tea and sit in his chair in the library so he could watch the rain fall; however, he loved it when Syaoran sat with him and together they listened to the soft pitter-patter of the rain.

07 - Chocolate

The cup shattered against the linoleum floor, spilling hot chocolate all over the place, and Syaoran's cheeks turned red as Eriol pulled away from the kiss, licking his lips and smirking. "You taste much better than chocolate."

08 - Happiness

Syaoran’s happiness can be summed up in one word - Eriol.

09 - Telephone

"ERIOL-CHAN!" Syaoran cried loudly, his face turning red as he turned away from his sisters' prying eyes to hiss, "We are NOT having phone sex!"

10 - Ears

Sometimes, Syaoran thinks Eriol has an ear fetish, but then that tongue darts out to trace the outer shell of his ear and he can't think anything at all.

11 - Name

Syaoran loved the way Eriol said his name - his real name - like it was some kind of prayer, except when he did it in public and attracted the stares of everyone around them.

12 - Sensual

Eriol Hiiragazawa had seen many things in his life time, but nothing nearly as sensual as watching Syaoran eat ice cream, swirling his tongue around the spoon, moaning with every savored drop, licking the excess off his lips, then having the audacity to look surprised when Eriol jumped him.

13 - Death

An anguished scream ripped from his throat as he watched Syaoran fly through the air and slam into the ground and he knew, even as his legs carried him closer and closer, that he wouldn't make it in time to save him, only in time to watch the last light of life fade from the amber eyes of the one he loved.

14 - Sex

Tomoyo leaned even closer to the blushing boy, eyes narrowed as she waggled a pamphlet in his face. "Now, now, Syaoran, just because you're incapable of getting pregnant does not mean you shouldn't practice safe sex!"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 06, 2011 ⏰

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