8.The new world

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As they entered the grave which is like cave they found it very short about 5feet but was too long to walk.

About 1 km.

When they ended up the cave it opens in a megahall whose walls are coated with black soil and celing is like the inside of pyramid.

The hall is roundabout and has stone attached like a door to it at a small distance.

At the centre of that hall there is one more stone slab horizontally of about 6 feet approx and on it there is a man lying at his back.

They move towards him and the same time the curiosity and fear increases in them.

The man who is injured outside was supported by two others on the whole path.

Near to that stone slab that injured man had kept his hand on it for his own support.

But as soon as he did it there occurred a sound of friction and suddenly all that door like stones opens into the caves, many caves and the entrance cave from where they enter closes with similar stone.

So now vivek, riya and all others were trapped there.

How this happens?

Then vivek observed that man's hand who is injured and found that it carried some blood from his leg due to injury.

They all got frightened. Whats next?!

All thought themselves.

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