14.The conclusion

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Leader: I already knew about Rohit from a short time.
Its a plan of rohit only to be hidden here so that Vivek and co can come to search him and thus knew about us.
Its a very large story. Rohit can explain all this in a good manner. Will you explain them for me, Rohit?

Rohit: Yes, of course.

It's our joint mission to diminish the master's terror. So we had first made a plan to include vivek in all this.

The reason to include vivek in all this was known by u all, isn't it?

Now how it all happened?

This all were started since that night when I went missing.

During that night vivek and me, both were returning from my girlfriend's b'day party.

That was the night when u all were out for the hunt.

V had an accident on the way to our home. Then as soon as I woke up I'd observed someone very strange.
I saw that vivek was still unconscious. Thus at the same time I had decided to follow that strange person.

By following him through a long distance I ended up in a gravierd.

As soon as I reached there, he had gone invisible.

But somehow I had made my way to reach here. At that time only leader was present here.

He was doing some kind of black magic on the body here at the centre.

I had attacked him from behind. He had captured me.

Then after some interrogation he had revealed every truth about u all.

Then I had identified that the person u all need was none other but vivek. Only he can save u all.

So I had made a plan to involve him in my crew.

I had asked him to make a tracker so that as of today he can reach uptill here in search of me.

( listening to all this stuff vivek and co came ahead from behind a stone.)

Leader: O shit! U are still here? How?.....
Rohit too was shocked seeing him.

Vivek: But whay is the need of all this rohit, u can even tell me all this straight forward.

Rohit: I m sorry bro but it's necessary to test ur bravery for this work.

(Seeing rohit healthy riya and vivek both huged him).

Vivek: If this all was ur plan, then what is plan 22.

Rohit: It's also my plan to let myself missing. So that u all start searching me.

That day I had suggested leader not to hunt. And also to arrange a car without anybody inside it.

Then as soon as that day the car hit the tree I had speed up towards the car and then went missing.
Then both me and leader made our way to here.

Vivek: But then y that day ur health was so bad when u suddenly meet us in the jungle?

Rohit: it's also a part of my plan, Vivek.

Leader(laughing): so now vivek u had found ur friend rohit too. And as I had said u will return soon. hahaha. So will u help me now?

Vivek(smiling): yes of course. For my dad's last wish too.

Leader: So now we have to makd a plan keeping in mind our too goals

(1): To defeat master as well as his black magic empire.

(2): we have to safeguard this anticeptic medicine in such a way that in future also it can't be able to reach by any vicious person.

This medicine should always remain THE SECRET OF VAMPIRES.

All agreed.

--------------END OF PART I---------------

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