Opening Act

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The old white Victorian house looked over the ocean, keeping silent. With only the occasional sound of wind chimes or creaking of the wood, nothing seemed to move. Out on the second floor balcony, stood a young girl of about seventeen, looking out at the horizon. She had both hands placed on the railing, sometimes clenching it, and digging her long white nails into it. Her pure black-silk hair moved back and forth with the wind, as her dark blue eyes kept looking on.

Her outfit consisted of a black, long-sleeved top, a gray skirt, and black thigh-high .socks. She finally sighed, after what felt like hours of her just standing there. She removed her hands from the white, paint chipped railing, making her way back inside into her room, through the glass doors, and shutting them behind her. It was mid day, so her mother would be calling her down soon for her singing lessons.

She was always told she had the voice of an angel. Yet she has been always needing improvement. "Marianna! Your mentor is here!" A call from her mother came up from the bottom floor.

Marianna took a deep breath before replying, "Coming Mother!" She quickly scampered out of her room and ran down the stairs. She slowed down at the last three steps as if she were regretting coming down. Marianna looked at her instructor, nodding with a smile. "Hello again Mr. Ridley," she politely shook his hand. He seemed to have changed his theme again, wearing a yellow tuxedo, black ironed pants, black shoes, and white gloves. His semi-long brown hair was slicked back revealing a pair of specks and green eyes.

He would change to way he looked at the drop of a hat if he could. Marianna mentally noted to herself, 'never let him dress like a fruit again'. "Now, shall we get started? I would first have you warm up with the musical scale of do through do, now, begin," he commanded enthusiastically. She nodded, then began to sing. Her mother smiled, though her smile of course was forced.

Ever since the death of Marianna's father, her mother would never find joy in anything that seemed up lifting. After the scale, Mr. Ridley asked for a song for her to sing. Marianna decided on a song that her father had taught her, 'Blue oceans sing me a lullaby~ Scare away the cold and darkness, giving way to warmth and light~ Let the lullaby bring peace,' she finished on a soft note. "Mrs. Feax, I am glad to report that your daughter, Marianna, is ready for any performance in the near future, but we must continue her lessons! Good day, and until next time," Mr. Ridley bowed and head out of the house. Once he left, Mrs. Feax turned to her daughter, forced smile and all, then slapped her across the face. Her smile melted into a distorted frown, her hazel eyes blazing with a mixture of sadness and anger.

"How dare you sing that! You think that would bring him back or discontinue your little lessons?" her mother fumed, "I think not Mari; therefore you shall sit up in your room and think about what you have done." Marianna had brought her hand to her face from where her mother had slapped, feeling a slight sting. Her mother tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear before quickly walking into the living room. Marianna just stood in her place, going over what had just happened. She then followed to where her mother was, hoping to calm her down. "Mother, please don't be angry with me, It just happened to come out. I'm sorry for upsetting you, s-so," Marianna choked down a sob, "P-plea-ase."

Her mother turned around from the large window she stood by, walked over to her daughter, and giving her a hug. Marianna returned the hug and both of them crying. "You know," her mother pulled away, hands on her daughter's shoulders, "whenever your father sang, many would say it should be in an opening act of a show."

"And that he should dress and dance like a clown before that would happen," Marianna added. They both laughed, while wiping away their tears. The smile returned to her mothers face, this time, not forced.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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