Step 5: Mortal Enemies and Super Villians.

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Every super hero has at least one mortal enemy, Darkstar's was The Ripper. The Ripper is insane, he chops people up and paints the walls with their blood, literally. Everyone fears him so barely anyone goes out passed 8:00 at night, which is when Ripper goes out to hunt. Darkstar said the reason he does this is because he's scared, the only thing Ripper hates the most is to be hunted, which is why he hated Darkstar so much. After Ripper cut Darkstar's wife into pieces Darkstar vowed every time they'd meet he'd make sure Ripper felt how horrifying he could really be, so Darkstar would make it seem like he was hunting Ripper every time he'd arrest him so Ripper would be so horrified he'd have a hard time fighting.

I had my mortal enemy the day his hand ripped out Darkstar's heart, I killed him.

But I didn't do that yet.

I stood with Akana as she picked out Sef's clothes for her, Sef looked at them and put them in the basket usually with a question. "Look at this Sef, it should really bring out the orange in your eyes!" Akana held up an orange spaghetti strap shirt. "Where are the sleeves?" Sef asked. "It has sleeves, right here." Akana showed her the straps. "Those are not sleeves, they are string." Sef stated. "I have the feeling you're going to be hard to shop for." Akana sighed. "I demand shirts with sleeves!" Sef announced, making a few people look at us funny. "Sef you can't be that loud in a store!" Akana whispered. "The younglings are screaming in here, I do not understand why I can not announce my need for shirts with sleeves." Sef said, I almost burst out laughing. Rusty came and gave me a bottle of water, "Where's Jeto?" I asked. "Hopefully avoiding the FBI." Rusty answered. I sighed, "That's not what I meant." I stated. "Oh, I don't know probably outside loathing life or something." Rusty shrugged.

Rusty was right, I didn't know about the loathing part but he was leaning on a pillar outside of the store. "Not into public places?" I asked. Jeto looked at me and shrugged, "Yeah, I'm not good with other people." Jeto said. "You're good with me." I smiled. "That's because I'm forced to be around you." Jeto mumbled. Ouch, burn. "Oh." I looked at my shoes. "I was joking." Jeto smirked. "You should work on your humor." I grumbled. "Yeah, sorry." Jeto kicked a rock int othe road. We stood in silence for a while, the moons light raining down on us like a storm. Jeto didn't seem to be the talkative type, it's almost like he is in his own mind talking to himself. "By the way Zaila, I'd like to thank you." Jeto said. I looked at him surprised, "What do you mean?" I asked. "For showing me that after going through hell, there's always a Garden of Eden on the other side." Jeto smiled. I smiled too, "Happy to help." I almost turned but I heard that sound again, the sound of air being displaced, I turned expecting Sef.

God was I wrong.

There stood Spaez, a horrid grin on his face. I felt my anger boil and my eyes shape a glare to shoot daggers. My fists clenched, I felt my heart start to hit at my chest screaming for vengeance. I just stood though, I didn't say or do a thing. I just stared. "Good evening, Zaila. I hope your feeling well after your friends death." Spaez greeted. "I'll kill you." I snarled. "Calm down, zog, humans are temperamental..." Spaez groaned. "Why do you think? You killed the man that taught me everything I know!" I growled. Jeto was watching, by the look on his face he wasn't anymore happy than I was. "It is a sad thing, but it had to be done." Spaez told me. "And what purpose did it serve?" I demanded. "Sefeko was sent to retrieve organic tissue from Jupiter, which she did not. If she was not to return with a completed mission I would. Sure it was not from Jupiter, but the Overseer's did not mind." Spaez explained. "I could...I could just..." I was at a lost of words, my raging fury was taking control of my mind. "Say the same words repeatedly? I do not believe that would help your situation. My Overseer's want more of this organic tissue from the primate-like planet and I immediately thought of you! I think your race would find this 'sweet'?" Spaez smiled. "She's flattered creme puff, but she isn't going anywhere with you." Jeto stood up straight. "And who might you be, the giant alpha ape protecting his mate?" Spaez asked, I'd laugh if he didn't look so serious. Jeto look at him confused and a little disgusted, made me feel great by the way, and stood next to me. "No, but I am the guy that can flick your green head off your scrawny shoulders." Jeto folded his arms. "I've got this Jeto, I know how to use my powers." I smiled and held my hand up, a ball of fire emitted from my finger tips and was suspended in my palm. "Oh, well that is a neat trick." Spaez looked at my fireball unimpressed.

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