De la Rue

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*Marcus's pov*

     We held the file labled 'Sinclair De la Rue'. His full name was beautiful. The file was thick with papers that were sure to be medical examinatons, birth certificates, social security cards, and school and disaplinary records. We were invading his personal space on a whole new level.

    First: we broke into his house. Second: we looked through every room of his house. And third: we stole his personal files. We were about to put a fourth one on the list by reading and copying them. Matthew and I felt guilty. Extremely guilty.

    We could wait until he told us himself, but that's not how we rolled. The fact that he could die if he didn't take those pills was eating away at us. We had to know what he had and what he was taking. I mean what if he forgot it or he lost it. We were going to get our pack doctor to give us some in case that happened.

    Matthew was still sulking. More depressed than he was angry. I felt the same, but I was trying to look pass it for now. The image of them laying together under a handmade quilt made me flinch every time I recalled it.

    They looked so comfortable in each others arms. The blanket hung low on them, exposing her large breasts that seemed to taunt us and his slim, pale, hairless chest glisend with a thin sheen of sweat. The sight of his naked upper half was mouth watering, that was until she moved her head to rest it on his right peck. We glared at her and her naked body draped over our mates equally naked self. It pissed us off.

   Me being the responsible and normally level-headed one, I pulled him away from the emotion stirring scene. We left his house ten minutes later with the file tucked against my chest.

   So here we were, staring at the manila envelope packed to the brim in things about our little one. I let out a heavy sigh and picked it up and opened the flap and pulled it all out at once.

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   "Damn it!" I threw the medical examination onto the mahogany dining table angrily. We found out so much about Sinclair. He's an orphan. Born and raised until the age of seven in Briton. Adopted by five different families, the first four ending terribly. From the files we read there was evidence of abuse and in one case he told his social worker that the dad touched him. Matthew punched a wall putting a hole in it and our canines and claws came out as we read more about his trips to different families. He's been with his current family since he was eleven. Adopted by a French couple and soon carted off to France not long after the papers ran through. We soon found the papers from when he was twelve, but...nothing. Not one thing about a disease or a sickness. Nothing recorded about a series of medications or anything.

    "Wait, does this mean he lied to us? Does this mean he's actually a drug addict? What if what happened to...her happens to him." Matthew's voice got weaker as the sentence progressed. I was thinking the same. We have to do something.

   "What if he wasn't lying though? Maybe its just not in his medical records." My words were hopeful. But even I knew it was very unlikely. He shook his head sadly.

   "Chances of that are low. Maybe we can contact his adoptive parents and see if they can help or shed some light on the situation? What are they're names and numbers?" Matthew picked up his phone and started making a new contact for Sinclair's mom.

   "Her name is Angela De la Rue... wait that name is familiar. The husband's name if Landon De la Rue." I rattled off their numbers absent mindedly. Then it hit." They're the leaders of a pack of shape shifters in Nice, France! I heard they couldn't have kids. Wonder why they went such a long way for a human kid. There were probably hundreds of shape shifting children in need of parents in their pack alone." I spectelated with a hand cupping my own chin.

    "Maybe they got wind of his recent adoptive parents and decided they wanted to give him a stable home. They're nice like that." He pointed at me matter-factually. I nodded.

   "It would explain the mansion. I thought we were going to get lost." I gave a small chuckle then frowned.

    "How do we approach him about the pills? We can't just accuse him again." I started to put away the papers as I waited for his answer.

    "Well...if we just say we know that they're not prescrition pills he'll wonder how we know and then we'll have to tell him we broke in and stole from him. We just have to give him time and keep an eye on him. There's not much else we can do. Tomorrow we'll apologize and we'll work our way closer until we can tell him the truth. Lets see if we can get pill names from him and see if he can tell us what 'sickness' he has. Maybe we can do some research before we jump the gun again." Matthew shrugged. I nodded.

   "Good plan. Ready for bed? Or do you wanna play?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him with a smirk on my face. He bit his lip sexily.

    "Depends. Can I top tonight?" He gave me a pleading lustful look. I immediately caved. Besides, I haven't felt him inside me in a while. I miss it.

      "I would love it." I brought him in for a deep kiss as I layed down on the couch and pulled him on top of me.

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