Chapter 2

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   When Cinderella awoke the next morning, she almost screamed. There laying right next to her was Michael, sleeping. She slowly made her way out of the bed. She tip-toed to the door. Once she had her hand on the door knob, Michael had both of his hands on eachside of her head on the door in seconds. Cinderella sucked in a breath, closed her eyes and turned around. She slowly opened her eyes to see an angry Michael.

   "And where do you think your going? I wanted to cuddle, why did you have to spoil my moring mood Cinderella? Hm?" She cringed at his sneer and took a deep breath, trying to figure out a lie. "I-I was just going to go downstairs to find something to eat. Im quite hungry."

   Michael slowly started to pull his mouth into a devious grin, fangs and everything. "Hm...I'm quite hungry myself. Maybe we should have breakfast together? I'm quite starved myself." After saying so, Michael licked his lips. Cinderella knew right away that he didn't mean eating bacon together. She decided it would be best to change the subject before something bad could happen.

   "Why were you in my bed? When did you enter this room?" "I let myself in not that long ago. I just couldn't resit. You just looked so....delicious-licks his fangs- in your sleep." She gulped, but before she could reply, there was a loud knock on the door that made her jump.

   "Cinderella!? Is everything alright!? I'm smelling fear!!" It was Jacob. Cinderella was about to scream for help, but Michael put his pal on her mouth and warned her with his eyes...and his fangs. "U-Uh, no, everything is just dandy. I'm fine, don't worry. I-is there something you need?" "Yes, actually. May I come in?"

   "Um..." Cinderella looked at Michael and he nodded a yes and used his super speed and jumped out the window by her bed. "Yeah, you may come in." Cinderella stepped away from the door and faced the door and Jacob walked in. Jacob closed the door behind him and looked around....did he just sniff? "Was Michael in here with you?"

   Cinderella took a deep breath. Should she tell him? What if Michael hurts her if she does? "No, no, no one was in here. Just me. Only me. Why would I have someone in here? "Your lying." "Wha?" "You heard what I said Cinderella. Your lying."

    Cinderella didn't know what to do. She knew if she lied, Jacob would know, but if she said something, Michael could hurt her. She gulped and went with the first one. "Actually....he was in here-looks down at her feet-but if I told you, he could hurt me so I lied." Jacob looked at her one last time with an angry expression and rushed out the door.

   She knew right away this wasn't going to be good so she went along to see if she could stop it. She ran downstairs and into the other room which must have been the kitchen, but the yelling had already started.

    "Why the hell were you in her room!?" "I was just enjoying her company. Did you know Jacob, she's quite war-." Jacob took him by the collar and slammed him to the ground, punching repeatedly. "The next time I catch you near her or in her room, I will kill you, even you are a prince!"  Jacob sneered th last word.

    While Michael and Jacob kept at it, and older couple that looked to be in there early 60's walked in. The women had shock written all over her face while the man had anger written on his face. "Jacob! Michael! Stop this at once!!" The older man boomed, Jacob and Michael froze then seperated and faced the couple. Michael was the first to talk. "Father. Mother. My dearest apologies for our behavior, it give you my word that it wont happen again."

     "Your DAMN right it wont happen again! Jacob take this.....human to get some food and go up stair, Michael come with me. Jacob, I will talk to you later." Michael followed them out the kitchen. Jacob came up to Cinderella and put his hands on her shoulders. "Im so sorry for that scene. He jsut gets me so....pissed sometimes. Are you ok? Are you hungry?"

    "Im alright, but I am quite hungry. Can I have an apple or something?" "Sure, but we oly have pears, oranges, and bananas." "Oh...well than, can I have a banana?" Jacob simply went into the kitchen, got her the banana, and they went back upstairs to her room.

    When they were up in Cinderella's room, Jacob closed the door with is foot. Cinderella let out a small giggle, which made Jacob blush. "What? Can't a guy close a door with his foot?" "Nope." Cinderella laughed, like really laughed, but just in seconds, Jacob went into serious mode.

    "Cinderella, today you will be escorted around town by Prince Andy, so you need to look presentable. You will wear the clothes that the females wear here. Therefore, you must eat quickly. Your outfit is in the closet, so I leave it to you and the Prince will pick you up from your room in 30 minutes. So, this is my farewell to you for now."

     With that, he left. Cinderella shoved the banana in her mouth and while her mouth was still full, she went to the closet. Hanging right in front of her was an outfit that barerly covered anything. Her mouth fell open and some of the banana fell out. She quickly came back to reality and closed her mouth and wiped it clean. It was a purple top that looked like a bikini with a zipper in the back and a pair of shorts that could be considered boy shorts(underwear).

    Gaining the confidence that she didn't know she had, she put it on. Her mouth fell open again. It may be a bit revealing, but she It fit perfectly. Before drool could make it down her chin, there was a knock on the door that brought Cinderella back to reality.

   Cinderella took one last look and went and opened the door. It was Andy. Andy looked her up and down, lingering on her chest, and made it to her eyes. "Ready to go my Cinderella?" Cinderella's heart fluttered when he said my Cinderella. Cinderella took a deep breath. "Yeah." With that, they walked out the door, but two questions nagged ger mind.

What will the demon world be like and what will the people think about her?


Hey guys! SO, what do you guys think the people's reactions be like? Do you think Andy will be truthful to them on who she is> Because remember when Jacob said, she's a secret until she excepts Andy? Well Cinderella doesn't know people don't know about her. So what do you think will happen next?


I'm sooo sorry guys that I haven't uploaded sooner! I was a bit busy and just needed a bit of  break. I went clothes and supply shopping with my mom for two days and then when that was done I just didnt want to do this. So for now im probably going to catch up on editing when I have free time. SO when that is done, I will write and upload more.

So, please comment, vote, fan, add to library, know the drill! Lol. SO bye for now !!

-Kissmesweetly        xoxo

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