Cinderella And The Vampire Prince

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Once upon a time in a far-off land, there lived a kindly genteman. He had a fine home and a lovely daughter, and he gave her all that money could buy- a horse of her own, a funny puppy dog, and many beautiful dresses to wear.

But the little girl had no mother. She did wish for a mother and for other children to play with. So her father married a women with two daughters. Now, witha new mother and sisters, he thought, his little daughter had everything to make her happy.

But alas! THe kindly gentleman soon died. His fine fine home fell into disrepair. And his second wife was harsh and cold. She cared only for her own two ugly daughters. To her lovely stepdaughter she was cruel as cruel could be.

Everyonce called the stepdaughter "Cinderella" now. For she had to work hard, she was dressed in rags, and she sat by the cinders to keep herself warm. Her horse grew old, locked up in the barn. And her dog was not allowed in the house.

But do you suppose Cinderella was sad? Not a bit! Cinderella made friends with birds who flew to her window sill each day. Cinderella made friends with the barnyard chickens and gees. And her best friend of all were-guess who- the mice!

The musty old house was full of mice. Their homes were garret, where Cinderella lived. She made little clothes from them, and gave them all names. And they thought Cinderella was the sweetest and most beautiful girl in the wold.

Every morning her friends the mice and birds woke Cinderella from her dreams. Then it was breakfast timr for the household- with Cinderella doing all the work, of course. Out on the back steps she set a bowl of milk for the stepmother's disagreeable cat, who watched for his chance to catch the mice. The faithful dog had a tasty bone. There was grain for the chickens and ducks and geese. And Cinderella gave some grain to the mice- when they were out of reach of the cat, of course. Then back into the house she went.

Up the stairway she carried breakfast trays for her stepmother and her two lazy stepsisters. And down she came with a basket of mending, some clothes to wash, and a long list of jobs to do for the day.

"Now let me see," her stepmother would say. "you can clean the large carpet in the main hall. And wash all the windows, upstairs and down. Scrub the terrace. Sweep the stairs-and then you may rest.

"Oh,' said Cinderella. "yes. I will finish all those jobs." And off to work she went.

Later that evening, once every chore was finished she went up to her room in the tall tower. She laid herself on her bed and buried her face in her pillow. Cinderella awoke to someone shaking her by the shoulders. She sat up and quickly jumped off the bed and came face to face with a very handsome young man about her age.

Cinderella was about to let out a scream when she stopped herself, what's the point of screaming? No one would come. No one in the housegoldwould care.

He smiled at her and bowed down to her. "M'lady, its an honor to be at your aquantince. The name's Jacob young lady, and I suppose you are who they call...Cinderella?"

She just stared at him. Who was this man and how did he get into her room. She knew she had locked her door, so there was n- wait a second. This is a dream. Might as well go along with it. Cinderella gave a small curtsie to the lad and looked back up at him. "Why, indeed I am young sir. What brings on this fine day?"

Jacob gave a smile to her since she was being so kind and took a deep breath, bracing himself for her reaction. "Im here on account of my Prince, Andy, who has called upon me to bring you with me back to our demon world and for you to become his bride." Whe Jacob finished what he was saying he let out a big sigh and looked up at Cinderella and noticed she was completely expressionless, well for a second. Her face then transformed into a huge grin that showed all of her perfected teeth.

"Why I would be delighted to become is wife and princess. Well shall we make our departure?" As you can see, She hasnt quite gotten to the fact that this may be reality and that its not only a dream. Cinderella is only saying she would be fine with it because she thinks she is having a dream. SInce her father passed away she had been having dreams like these but never this realistic.

"right now M'lady. Please take my hand and we shall teleport to the demon world." He extended his arm so that his hand was in her derection. She took his hand with a grin on her face and then Jacob made a portal for them and they stepped through. Little did CInderella know, that now that she has stepped through, she can never go back to her original life, and that this dream may not really be a dream.


Ok guys, so there it is! :) Heehee. I literally am sitting in my room right now trying to finish this at like 1:30 in the morning. My parents are already in bed and im jealous and very tired(yawns), but at least its summer and im not doing anything tomorrow. Anway I hope you guys enjoyed this first part. And i hope you guys cant wait for more. Btw, what do you guys think Jacob is? Do you guys think this could all be in her imagination or do you think CInderella is really going to go to the Demon World to become a bride to be to a Prince named Andy?

So please:



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-Kissmesweetly xoxo

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