Too busy for Rebecca.

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"k.Everybody is too busy for me. k."
Exactly what poor Rebecca Nafton
Feels right now.

While the girls are too busy,
Occupied and entertained...

Rebecca just watched TV
And Relaxed in her bedroom.

A few minutes had passed and Rebecca got bored of the TV show she was watching so she has decided to turn off the TV and have a nap instead.

Rebecca fell deep asleep.
Pitch black.
I am dreaming about the darkness.
I see sparks!
As I come near the sparks, It sparks faster.
As I come close, it heats up.
I took one more step closer...
It started a flame.
A flame large enough to burn down My entire house...
My house was burnt down, everything inside it...
Including My family.
- a collar.

I woke up in tears, so sweaty and
My heart is rapidly beating...
"strange dream."

The Collar.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu