-19-{sky taven arc}

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"Nashi" Simon said , he nudged her shoulder slightly as she turned to face him
"Yeah Simon what's up" Nashi replied
"Why did you leave me " Simon asked like he didn't care he didn't even look her in the eyes
"I never left you , I went to find igneel " Nashi stated as she acted the same way as he did
"So do you still love me " Simon asked yet another question
"Do you still love me?"Nashi said back giving him a caring look
"Well I-storm was cut off by a girl walking in the guild with short white hair and big Brown eyes .
"Nata"Simon whispered
"Who"nashi almost shouted politely
"Nata welcome back honey " lisanna said in a welcoming in tone
"Look you've grown taller " bixslow laughed
"Daaad "nata groaned as she plopped her self down on one of the benches , nashi walked up to her to greet her 'how come I've never met her maybe when I went away for a year maybe ' nashi thought but was soon Snapped back by nata shaking her hand violently.
"Hi my name is nata are you new here " nata said in a sassy tone
"No I've been here since I was born " nashi said back but in a are you serious tone
"Then how come I haven't see you short pie " she hissed
"Em because I went away to find my brother "nashi
"You look weak fight me " she shouted so she could get attention from the guild
"I really don't wanna you look like a warm up " nashi disagreed and shook her head then all of a sudden nata slapped her cheek , nashi turned slowly to look at the white haired girl smirking .
"You won't be smirking no more " nashi laughed as she iron fisted nata's face
"Ugh babies get her " she enchanted , little wooden dolls came flying by her side and tryed to zap nashi , nashi burned them to a crisp and kicked nata right in the face so she fell to the ground out cold.
"She was beaten"
"Loser but we love her "
"Fairy tails the best "
The guild cheered , nashi just took a seat and sighed she ordered a drink off Mira and drank in two seconds flat , then she ended up drifting to sleep to only see the blurry person running again , the blurry person came closer again then whispered 'cave of taven go there , go there , go there ' , nashi woke back up in a panic and looked round her the guild was lively as it always was , she decided to go back to her apartment with Luna , storm said he would catch up later , she sorted Luna and put her to bed as nashi went for a shower and relaxed , she kept thinking about the cave of taven so she waited for storm to come back from the guild to watch Luna while she went to fairy tail archives . She waited and waited and waited until finally he decided to return from the guild partying luckily he wasn't drunk .
"Hey storm could you please watch Luna while I go out to the archives " nashi pleaded with a small pout
"Yeah sure wait why are you going to the archives " he asked
"I just want check something out , bye " nashi said in a hurry but before she went she gave him a small peck on the lips and ran out storm stood there in shock for a moment then went back to reality and walked to his bed and buried himself in the blankets of the bed . While nashi walked to guild in the cold winter night , she looked around herself to see beautiful snowflakes falling , nashi smiled to her self and kept marching forward , soon enough she was at the guild and she walked through it to the archive , then she began her search for the cave of taven

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