8: School

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Chloe's POV

I am exhausted. For the whole month, we have been practicing non-stop. I had finally paid my family and they stopped pestering me. But these few days have been switching from dancing to singing to teaching Ken how to properly pronounce the words to asking Leo to stop skipping dance practice. But we finally had our act together and we got our songs ready. As a group VIXX(includes me) is going to perform Eternity. I wrote the lyrics while Ravi wrote his own rap. I loved how he added the small "Ravi" before he begins his rap.

I stretched myself as I listened to our song once more. The boys are on the floor resting and panting while I still wanted to dance. But I decided to just take a break. They all seemed pretty down so I decided to sing them a song with a small gift.

I picked up the guitar and started strumming which got their attention. They looked at me as I began singing.

"Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it."

I winked at them as I sang the next line.

"I tried to chill but you're so hot that I melted."

"I fell right through the cracks,now I'm trying to get back~"

"Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bested. And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention."

They smiled and swayed their bodies side to side as I continued singing.

"I reckon it's again my turn, to win some or learn some."

I slowly stood up as I walked to them and circled them.

"Now I won't hesitate no more,no more it cannot wait."

"I'm yours~~~~~"

I sang as I gave them all a kiss on the cheek. I laughed at their slightly shocked faces and put down the guitar. I could tell that they were still tired but the light in their eyes were back.

"Thanks Chloe~" they said, their voice slightly husky.

I went to grab my wallet and asked them to wait for me as I ran out to buy some energy drinks. As the machine dispensed the drinks I quickly took it and ran back. I tossed a drink at each member and they caught it. They happily sipped the drink and we decided to practice just once more before we went back home.

We perfected the dance and we called it a day. I thanked them for their hard work and entered my home. I wanted to make something for their throats and decided to make some drinks for them. I went to take a quick shower and changed into a random tee and some jeans. I went to the nearest mart and bought some honey and lemon. I decided to get something sweet for them too and bought some marshmallows. I paid for it and went back home to make it.

I made sure not to add too much honey or lemon as I mixed in the water. I stirred it well until all the honey has dissolved and I put it in a thermos. I grabbed a small paper bag, placed the thermos and the marshmallows inside and put a small note on it.

"For all your hard work.
~Your secret admirer❤"

I laughed as I made my way outside their house. I put the paper bag down, knocked on the door and ran back home. I peeked out of the corner and saw Leo standing there looking at the bag. He had this cute confused expression and I snapped a picture of it on my phone. I went back into my house when Leo finally went back in as well. I changed out of my jeans into some comfy sweatpants and prepared to make dinner. It was about 7pm so I decided with a quick pasta recipe. I boiled the water and I opened the can of tomato sauce. I made some meat balls using some left over minced meat and cooked it. I quickly put in the pasta and simmered the sauce with the meatballs. I smiled in satisfaction as I plated the food.

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