13: New students

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Chloe's POV:

As I rolled around the room, suddenly N picked me up. "Let's go eat~" Ken sang as they carried me out. I hit N till he let me go and we made our way to the canteen. There was some commotion around some tables but I ignored it. I took off my hoodie and tied it around my waist before I asked the guys what they wanted.

"Banana milk!"

"Anything besides that?"

They told me what they wanted and I went to buy it. As I was waiting for our orders to be cooked, someone tapped me. I turned around and saw a unfamiliar guy. He was super attractive, dark brown eyes, sharp nose and jawline,tall and rather well built. "Hi, I'm Gerald. May I have the honors of knowing your name?" he asked as he extended his hand. "I'm Chloe." I said simply as I put my hand in his. Instead of shaking it, he pulled it to his lips and kissed it.

I immediately pulled my hand back, feeling uneasy for some reason. "Ah, I didn't mean to surprise you." I turned my head as I heard my order being called out. I picked it up and walked back to the boys.

"Why are you sweating?" Hyuk asked as he slurped his noodles. I told them what happen and Leo clench his fists. "Where is he?" "It's fine, I just don't want to see him again." But my wish wasn't granted as he walked towards us with his friends behind him. "Such a fine lady shouldn't sit with such guys. You should sit with us instead." He grabbed my arm as he tried to pull me towards him. I slap his arm and pointed at him.

"Look, I don't know what game you're trying to play but I don't like you talking about my boys like that." I sit back down beside Leo and continue eating my food. Gerald however bent down and stared at me. "You'll be mine one day, princess." He then walked away. The guys growled at what he said and I had to hold Leo down from going after him.

I sighed as I bit into my burger. "Isn't that the fangirl and her father over there?" Hongbin asked as he pointed at the small crowd. We look in that direction and it was true. Gerald was standing together with them and smiling. Huh~ so he's the son. I scowl as I continue eating my burger. Suddenly Ken reached for my face and start rubbing his finger on my forehead. While Hyuk lifted the edges of my mouth. "You look prettier when you smile." they both said simultaneously as they grinned. I gave them a big smile as I continued on my burger.

We were in our room (forgot to mention that the room has a recording area,dance area and relaxing area with couches and shit)
When we heard an announcement being made.

"VIXX please make your way to your original classes." We were confused but looked at our original timetable, it was supposed to be singing lessons. I shuddered at the thought what could be going on but we made our way to class anyways. When we enter the class, we see our teacher standing with Gerald, that crazy fan and another guy.

"Ah nice to see you guys again." Mr Kim said as he motioned to the new students. "This is Gerald,
Tiffany and Jiyoung." They bowed but I just rolled my eyes. The others bowed but they were glaring at Gerald. I didn't want to bow so Ken had to put his hand on my back, forcing me to bow. We stood up straight and asked why we were summoned here.

"Well, we thought it would be nice to put a performance for the new students." I frowned while the boys just stared blankly at the teacher.

"Why?" a simple but important question. I chuckled at the teacher's reaction to Hyuk's question. He opened and closed his mouth before saying that it was principal's orders.

"What song do you guys want?" I asked the boys. I had taught them a lot of songs but I chose not to put it in the album. "Only U?" N suggested and we nodded. We walked to the front and sat on some stools. I plugged my phone into the stereo and played the backtrack.

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