A Bit of Danger In A Dalton Blazer

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      Authors Note: This is chapter of of A Bit of Danger In A Dalton Blazer, I am very sorry if people do not like the ships that are put into this,Quiff is my OTP because of Rikanna (Riker and Dianna) I do not like Thad and Brittany as a pairing,but Brittany and Quinn are my two favorite Glee girls and Jeff is my favorite Glee boy aside from Nick. I will let out a spoiler and tell you that there is a big trick to all of this. There are two Warblers that will be named later in the story,they are the ones ORDERING Thad and Jeff to do everything. There will be a fight,a bloody fight as soon as Quinn finds out who is behind the mask of it all. Brittana is endgame and Quiff might not be. You'll have to see. ;) Please read this..It'd mean a lot. Thanks!                                                      

   ~~~~Quinn's POV~~~~

I was snuggled in Jeff's arms watching Midnight Movie with him,Thad,and Brittany. It was pretty good I guess,it was kind of unrealistic though. There were teens and two adults in a movie theater, they were there to watch an old horror movie,the theater was really old and it was late at night so there were only 3 teenagers that were working. One of the girls took off of work and watched the movie with her two friends. As the movie continued it would always freeze up  and suddenly it would change settings. No one suspected anything until their friend went to the bathroom and on the screen there he was getting killed. They thought it was just their friend messing with them,but it wasn't. The killer out of the horror movie came out of the movie and trapped them inside of the theater with no cell phone service and no way to get out. As they found out it wasn't a joke the killer saw them and they were on a race for their lives. Unrealistic right? I looked at Jeff and crossed my arms,pulling out of his. "What?" He asked with a small smile. "This movie is getting really gory and unrealistic can we please turn it off?" I asked him with innocent eyes. "Only if Thad and Brittany agree." He replied and pulled me close. Thad looked at us and shrugged. "Whatever Britt wants is fine with me." Brittany smiled and snuggled close to him. "Can we pleeeeeease turn it off? I think that killer guy is gonna rape the blond girl and her boobs are tiny so I don't wanna see that." She said casually and innocently. I looked at Jeff again. "So that's a yes to turning the movie off?" I asked. Jeff nodded and picked up the remote to turn off the TV. "It's Purge night so we can't go anywhere, What are we going to do?" "We could play never have I ever." I suggested with a small sly smirk. Brittany smiled and looked at Thad then Thad shook his head. "No!" He said quickly. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Why? Are you to scared to play?" The question slipped from my lips slowly and mysteriously. Jeff looked at me and smirked. "Only if it's the strip version and Quinny,no being mean to Thad." He winked at me and my jaw dropped dramatically then I gasped fakely. He knew it was a joke so he rolled his eyes fondly. Brittany looked at Jeff and tilted her head to the side. "Why do you wanna do the strip version? Something tells me you see Q naked enough." She teased. My eyes widened and I threw my pillow at her. "Shut up!"  Jeff's face started turning red and he looked down shyly. Thad raised an eyebrow at all of us,but smiled anyway. Brittany winked at me. "You know it's true 'cause you're not denying it!" She teased again. I rolled my eyes then hugged Jeff loosely. A smile appeared across my cheeks as I felt him hug back. "Don't listen to her," I whispered in his ear then pulled back from the hug. Thad crossed his arms. "No,Never Have I Ever because something tells me Jeff and Q are going to turn it into a porn show." He said casually,but it was obvious he was trying not laugh. "Fiiiiine." I rolled my eyes. Suddenly the lights flickered out. I stood up and my eyes widened. I could see Jeff's figure stand up. "It's probably just something stupid with the system. Q,go get some candles and a few flashlights." He said in his normal tone as I tried not to freak out. Brittany stood up and so did Thad. I felt an arm linked to mine then I heard Brittany's voice. "I'll go with Q." She said softly. I smiled feeling a bit safer. "Okay,we'll be right here if you need anything okay?" Thad's voice was quiet. "Okay." Brittany replied. "Q knows where everything is." Jeff assured as Brittany and I started walking upstairs. 

                                                            ~~~~10 Minutes Later~~~~

Brittany and I came walking down the steps and I pulled a lighter out of my pocket. I lit one of the candles on fire then put it on the desk. I looked over at the couch and Jeff and Thad weren't there. "Britt....Where are Jeff and Thad?" I said in a slight panic. I had a right to panic. It was Purge night and God knows if anything had gotten in. Brittany looked at the couch and her eyes widened. "I have no idea..." She gulped. I lit up another candle then another and another. I ended up lighting up all of the candles and setting them all around the living room. I was trying not to freak out,if anything happened to Jeff I think I might die. "THAD!!! THAD!!!" Brittany yelled loudly,but there was no answer. "JEFFY!" I yelled also,but there was no answer either. "JEFF STERLING COME HERE! THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!" I yelled my voice getting shaky and my eyes starting to tear up. I was too scared to move and so was Brittany we took each others hands and we stayed standing in the middle of the living room with candles burning all around us. If it meant Brittany or I would get hurt I wasn't moving a single muscle. I felt my pockets for my phone with my free hand,but there was nothing there. "Britt,do you have your phone?" I asked then she felt around for hers,but yet there was nothing there. "I knew I had it,before we went upstairs..." Her voice trailed off. "I had mine then too." I added. "What if-" I cut her off, "They wouldn't."  Suddenly Jeff and Thad were on the other side of the fire right across from us wearing black hoodies. A tear started falling down my cheek and I stared at Jeff. He was staring right back at me with an evil smirk on his face. "Sorry,Q. I didn't think it'd come to this." He lied. "You both have 5 hours to get out of this house before both of you are gone for good. Good luck." Thad said evilly before disappearing into the shadows,leaving Brittany to cry. I wiped my tears from my eyes and thought to myself. "Don't let him see you cry it'll only make him stronger." Jeff made his way to me and cupped my cheek with his hand. "If you get out of this,I hope there can still be an us," He started caressing my cheek then pressed his lips against mine. It took me a few seconds,but I threw him off of me and growled. "Get the hell away from me you asshole!" My words were loud and harsh. Jeff glared at me as he stood up off of the floor. "Lucy Quinn Fabray,let the game begin." He said with a growl and disappeared into the blackness.

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