Chapter 10

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So How's it going. I'm sorry it's been a while since I wrote a chapter but hey life gets in the way, you know how it is. Any way I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and to celebrate the holiday's I'm posting two chapters! and then guess what I'm going to start editing my other books so I hope you enjoy and know that the end is near.


Chapter 10


Zane had met us at one of the stores and was really into some girl he had met at Eric's party. He would not shut up about the girl and Eric and I were ready to pound him into the ground. Finally he stopped blathering and was just quiet.

"So did you even get the girls name and number?" Eric asked.

"She told me her name but I can't remember it."

"Man get over it, you're probably not going to see her again."

"Sure I will it's fate. A guy doesn't meet a girl as cool as that one and not somehow meet her again."

"Dude shut up, you sound like a hallmark movie chick flick." I said. "But seriously keep talking about some girl and I will punch you out."

"Fine. Wait there she is with Mal." Zane said excitedly.

I looked over to where Zane was pointing. Mal was sitting with Chanel and one other girl I didn't know. They had their heads together deep in conversation, they hadn't noticed us.

"Please tell me it's the blond you were talking about." Eric said quietly to Zane.

"No the brunette in between the blond and Mal. Why? You know her?" Zane asked confused.

"That is Chanel Gardner and Adrian already has claims on her." Eric said.

"I do not have claim on her." I said.

"Yes you do. You like her and I think that she likes you too." Eric said.

Eric was staring me down. I did not look away I would not break this contact and be weak I am not weak. Zane was oddly being quiet while we were having our stare down. Finally Eric broke the contact and turned to Zane. Zane was gone.

Coldness drifted up my spine as I looked over at Chanel's table. He was there, having a conversation with the girls. He was very close to Chanel and she was flirting, with Zane. I watched dumbfounded as she got the guy firmly under her finger. Zane was an idiot. Why was I friends with him?

"I told you that you liked her." Eric said with a smirk on his face and walked over to Mal. I followed after him.



"Who are we hunting today Dannie?" Mal asked casually. She sat down with her food and Dr. Pepper.

I don't want them to avenge my emotions. So what if I've been hurt, it's nothing new. But it was a comfort to know that no matter what my friends had my back. Our planning had ranged from egging and toilet papering his house to Mal and Dannie kidnapping him and making him a unic. Most of these plans were just made to make me laugh.

"All right why don't we hurt him where he's never been hurt before." Mal said.

"How do you mean?" Dannie asked.

"He's a player known for breaking girls' hearts why don't we give him a taste of his own medicine."

"That is diabolical Mal. I love it but who do we use?"

The Bad Boy Is My New Neighbor, Yay Life Not! (Deeply needs serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now