Chapter Eight: Payback

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By now, once Carlisle changed Edward and Rose, Rose had a plan to make him pay for making her have to resort to becoming a vampire just to stay alive.

Since Edward and i can read minds, i go to Rose and talk to her in privet since she asked me. I ask her "Are you sure you want to... I mean i know he hurt you, but you sure you want to get payback"?

She responds "He is the reason why i have been changed to this... You understand that don't you"?

"Yes, but... If you do this... Are You going to do it by yourself"?

"Yes! And if you come with me, once i do want i need to... You can have what is left. If you want to tag along... Plus we could have 'girl' time"

"You know you won't be able to keep your thoughts to yourself with Edward around. He can't read mine anytime he wants to, because i am able to protect my mind when needed from his gifts".

"I know... But can't you protect mine... Like i care". She rolls her eyes.

"Well i don't know... I have only been like this for four months, so has Edward. There is still a lot i need to know about this 'FOREVER' life".

So we look at each other than i say "Ok! Fine! I will accompony you Rose." I smile "It would be nice getting to know the newest member of the family".

We both smile at each other. But the whole time i know that i will probably regret this later.

The both of us leave together at night... I follow her lead, let her do the job. Once she gets done with them, i finish them off by drinking there blood... Which i have not tasted in weeks. So finally we head to the last one, her fiancee, who is in the corner terrified. So ahe barges in, once taking down the body guards. So i stand watch till she gets done... Once she does, i come in after her and finish him.

So once the spree was done of his 'group', we leave and head on our way back. But as of right now, my taste buds are satisfied, very satisfied... For now. As we walk normally down the busy street, we get stares and whisles from random dudes that just want some fun. We ignore them, until three guys just come up and start talking to us, we ignore them.

Two of them had the bright idea to try and grab our arms when my voice went stone hard "Leave us alone! Now! Or you won't luke what happens next".

One of the guys says sarcatically "Ooh so scared!!! What are you going to do?"

The second guy was responded "She ain't gonna do nothin'... She is bluffing... I think?!"

So Rose and i loom at each other. Than i say "You know what the three of you are right i am bluffing... So is she... So instead of 'going to your place'.... Let's go up the street two blocks to that alley... Trust me it is dark and at this time if night... No one pays attention."

So the three smile. Rose whispers to me i low enough where they can't hear "What are you going to do?"

I respond "Well... I am stil a bit thirsy and hungry.... So more food. They din't suspect a thing. And you can drink too."

She pauses and than says "Ok!. I guess on sip won't hurt"

I respond "You say one sip... But you and i are a new born vampire, you are a fresher on than i, since you've changed a week ago. But i will let you 'try' to just get a sip... But you won't stop".

So she and i lead them there, and before they know it we attack them. And before they screem we bite the two of them. While i choke the other. So since i get full, i give him to rose so she can finish him off. So after a few hours we head back home, and Carlisle was realived to see us both.

He says "It took you both long enough... Everything ok".

We both knodd, but Edward hears differently, since he can read minds and all.

So Rose sits down and Conner moves to her lap, and puts his hand on hers to show her what he wants to say. Rose asks me "Hey, Ashley... He doesn't smell like humans. I mean he does, but not fully".

I respond "Because... Conner Lee is half human and half vampire. I was human and Marcus, on of the leaders of the Volttori, is a vampire. He changed me right after he was out of my body... Carlisle was there, he helped Marcus and i with Conner Lee".

So she is shocked than says "Can i hear the story"

I say "Some other time Rose. But from the looks of it, he likes you... He thinks you are pretty. But he knows you are his Aunt."

She smiles, and Conner is fast asleep.

By now though, Conner Lee looks like he is four now, but Carlisle and i really don't know how long he will be here though. Or how much time we have with him. So we will just sit and wait.

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