Chapter 5

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Super long chapter at over 5,750 words. Enjoy!


I wake up. Look right, look left. Look up. Nothing's there. I mean, obviously, something's there, because there's the world that keeps spinning and there's the walls of my house and... ok I'm just getting distracted. Nothing threatening or important or outstanding from everyday life. I look at the clock, to my right, mounted on the wall (Black-rimmed, Times New Roman font, from IKEA). Seven o'clock. My mother must have woken me up, since the door stands irregularly open. The doorstop is still under it.

I motivate myself to get up and out of the warm, bed that I have finally reached thermal equilibrium with. Why do I want to leave, again? Right, school. But I don't exactly want to, either. But I have to nonetheless. My feet touch the air outside my bed and I hate the way it feels so... so... cold. Awfully tempting to just roll back in bed, isn't it?

When I finally roll out, I turn off my nightlight and the fan I had on for background noise. I realize it's a Monday (EWW) and drag myself to the kitchen. I take out a pack of Belvita and eat two. I take my pills. There are five of them, because my mother is hopeful that they can help me with my sickness. Even when the test results say that I have Lyme Disease, she doesn't think that's it. That's okay, though. She found this pill called Circumin that helps me think, because my cognitive function is often severely impaired by the little spirochetes floating around inside of me, constantly chewing on my brain. I chug the five down with some water, appreciative of the ginger that helps my nausea.

I continue to drag myself around until I'm ready. Lastly, I apply my makeup and straighten my hair so the top isn't so wild. The rest can be wavy and curly, so long as it doesn't look awful.

On miserable Mondays, we have all of our classes. That features periods 1-6, plus 7th, for me. Not all people have seventh or zero periods. Let me walk you through my schedule:

1º - Accelerated Geometry/Algebra 2/Trigonometry

2º - Biology

3º - English

4º - Life Skills/World Studies (EWW)

5º - Student Clerk for the AVP

6º - Spanish 2

7º - Drama

That, right there, is my schedule. Why am I talking to myself?

Because that's just what you do.

True enough.

I stroll into my bedroom and observe myself in my full-length closet mirrors. I love those things. My reflection? Not so much. I am wearing a clingy teal t-shirt (even though I've been told it's not teal; its green) and black skinny jeans. I retrieve my warm, striped socks from my long sock drawer and put them on under my skinny jeans. After that, I pull on my brown Bearpaw boots. I walk over to my dresser, which also has a mirror, although quite smaller, and brush out my hair once more before I have to go to school. I make one final examination in the full-length mirror and tug on a black tortoiseshell jacket, which will efficiently warm me up and be a great windbreaker.

I walk out to the living room and pack my backpack (Jansport, black, brown leather bottom, built-in laptop case) for school today. Not all of my stuff fits inside the backpack, so I have to resort to carrying my Geometry book. I go inside the kitchen and retrieve my lunch bag (black, Built, New York, Lunch size), knowing my mother has already packed its contents for me. Thank goodness I don't have to do it myself.

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