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My problem with boys is that I can't seem to find one who wants me for me. All the boys and relationships I have had in my past were for all the wrong reasons. I figured this out from my last boyfriend. His name was Mason. We met through an old friend of mine and we just kind of got together. We dated for a few weeks, but nothing really happened until one night. He drank a lot and he brought me into his room. We had made out before, but it hadn't gone further than that. He tried to take off my shirt and I tried to stop him, but he was strong. He kept undressing me, until I got enough strength to push him off of me. I asked him what got into him. He said he was just being a guy and if I wanted to be in a relationship, I'd have to give a guy what he wants. He admitted that he never liked me and just wanted to use me for a physical relationship. That was the moment I decided to stop accepting crap from guys and not to date until I found a good one.

I lay down on Peyton's bed and think about the events that occurred tonight. How could I have gotten myself into that situation again? My thoughts continue as I drift off to sleep.

I'm startled awake by the sound of my phone. I read the text from Peyton.

3:04 Peyton: I won't need a ride home. Lucas is giving me one. It turns out that you leaving early worked out good for me.

3:05 Me: I'm still at your house. I can walk home though.

3:06 Peyton: No, you can stay over. It's pretty early in the morning.

I didn't even realize it was three in the morning. I should go back to sleep. I turn over and close my eyes.

I wake up with a blanket over my body and my shoes removed. Peyton is laying next to me, sound asleep. The clock reads 8:30 AM. I have a headache even though I didn't drink anything last night. I search Peyton's bathroom cupboard for aspirin until I come across the bottle. I take two. I splash water on my face, trying to rub off all the make up still caked on from last night.

When I look back into the room, Peyton is still sleeping. I haven't been home in a while and I haven't talked to Keith in a few days. It's not like he would be worried about me though. I grab a tissue from her bathroom and write Peyton a note: Went home. Talk to you later. I leave it on the pillow I was sleeping on and head out the door with my stuff.

The air is warm and a bit sticky. It's already getting hot out here and it's not even nine in the morning. My stomach grumbles and I realize I didn't eat breakfast. I increase my pace, trying to get home faster.

The door creaks as I open it. I go to my room and throw my stuff on the bed. I hope we have food here. Unless Keith went shopping, we probably don't. I search the refrigerator and pantry, hoping to find anything for breakfast, but it looks like there's nothing. I change my clothes and put my hair up in a bun. I guess I'm biking to the store.

I get to the store, but I don't know where to look. There are tons of aisles and I don't know where to begin. I walk to the frozen foods aisle, looking for frozen waffles or something. I grab some chocolate chip frozen waffles. I search the signs for the aisle that contains syrup. I find it listed on the sign above aisle M and walk over to it. I turn the corner and almost drop the waffles at what I see. Chase is in the middle of the aisle, looking for something. I back up and hide behind a shelf. I wait a minute or two hoping he found what he was looking for and peek my head around the corner. He's still standing there, but this time he's looking in my direction. I whip my head back and hope he didn't see me.

I hear footsteps coming closer to me and I'm frozen in place. Chase appears in front of me.

"Hey," he says, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I barely remember what happened last night, but I know I made you upset. Are we okay?"

"Um," I stutter. "No, we're not actually."

"Look Haley, I was drunk. I don't even remember it I was so wasted. Please just listen to me. I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally." He's speaking calmly and with a normal tone. He isn't begging for my forgiveness like I expected him to be. Maybe he has too much pride to admit he did something wrong and ask me to forgive him.

"It's fine. I just don't think I can be around you for a while." I say, waiting for him to get mad, but he doesn't.

"Okay, whatever you want Haley. Just call me when you're over this." He says, still not owning up to anything. This is why I can't be around him. He hasn't taken any responsibility for what he did and seems to be putting this on me. I hate boys and all the drama that comes with them. I try to put Chase out of my head, and Nathan comes to mind. He told me I was beautiful and then stopped speaking to me. I wonder what is up with him.

I get everything else I need from the store and get in line to checkout. There's a rack of magazines on the side of the line I'm waiting in. I look at all the covers and all the famous people that occupy the pages. They are normal people like everyone else, but sometimes I think their lives are much easier than ours.

I check out with the lady and she tells me to have a great day. I know she says it to everyone who comes through her line, but I want to believe she meant it. I think I'm ready to have a good day; I'm determined to make it one. I bike home with my groceries and almost crash twice because I'm only using one hand to steer. When I was younger, I used to be able to bike with no hands, but I haven't had much practice lately.

Keith's truck is in the driveway. I bike past it and into the garage. I park my bike against the wall of the garage and go inside through the garage door. I remember that I wanted to make today a good day so I greet Keith as I enter the kitchen.

"Good morning Uncle Keith." I say, trying to be chipper. I decide not to ask where he has been because he might ask where I have been and tell my mom that I went to two parties.

"Good morning Haley," he looks up from his newspaper. "You went to the store?"

"Yep, I got some waffles, pancake mix, syrup, juice, and milk." I respond, hoping he's happy with what I got. I didn't want to do all the grocery shopping so I just got breakfast stuff.

"I was planning on going later today," he says. "So I can cross those things off my list then." He doesn't thank me, but I knew he wouldn't. He never does.

I don't let it get to me though. "Do you want some pancakes? I'm going to make some." I ask him.

"Sure," he replies, reading his newspaper again.

I make the pancakes while thinking about last night again. I hope Nathan wasn't too drunk because I want him to remember what he did. I want to seem him again, but what if he regrets saying that? What if he didn't mean it? How am I supposed to approach him?

When I finish eating my pancakes, I text Peyton to see what her plans are. I'm sure she wants to hear about what happened last night.

11:34 Me: Hey, what're you doing today?

11:37 Peyton: We're going to the beach and you're telling me everything.

Author's Note: Do you guys ever want Nathan's point of view or should it stay as Haley's?

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