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I wake up Friday morning with the biggest smile on my face. Today's the day. To be honest, I have no idea what Nathan even has planned and I don't have any clue of what to expect. He hasn't texted or called since the other night and I don't even know when we are hanging out today. The more and more I think about it, I have a feeling he doesn't know what we are doing either. I check my phone, but there is nothing. It's 8:30 in the morning so Nathan is probably still sleeping. Who knows? Maybe he wanted to hang out later tonight anyways.

I hop in the shower, taking a long time because I think about everything that makes me so anxious about today. Since he didn't give me a time, I basically have to sit around home all day waiting for him to contact me. I'm fully ready by 9:30 and I'm just sitting here waiting.

Nathan's POV:

Well, it's Friday. I can't believe I asked Haley to hang out again. When I asked, I was just in the moment. I have no clue what she likes to do. How am I supposed to do something fun with her today if I barely know her? Is she expecting it to be just me and her again? Is she expecting it to be with friends? Maybe she had a bad time with just me last time. When Mouth and Chase showed up at my house, was she disappointed? Was she relieved? Damn. I didn't pay enough attention.

It's 9:30. Is it too early to text her? I was planning on just hanging out and getting lunch, but maybe she wants something more thought out. Or not? Why is this so hard? Girls shouldn't be this hard to please. Wait, could I just ask her what she wants to do? No, I don't think girls like that... but would she really want to do something she hates just because I didn't ask her? If I ask her, she will probably think we are just hanging out as friends. Or maybe she already thinks that? Is this a date? Do I want this to be a date? I don't even know myself.

It's either now or never. I text her.

9:34 Me: Are you ready?

9:36 Haley: Yep!

9:37 Me: Okay, I'll pick you up in 30 minutes.

9:38 Haley: Okay. :)

She seems to be in a good mood. At least the smiley face she sent makes it seem like it. I've decided just to bring her to the beach and we can swim or something. Then, if she's hungry we can go get something to eat. Maybe she'll suggest something fun that she likes to do and I won't have to come up with anything else. Man, this is harder than I thought it would be.

I get to her house and wait for her in my truck. I stare at her front door, anxiously waiting for her to walk out. The knob turns and the door opens and when I see her, I smile. Why am I smiling? She's not looking at me, I don't have to be smiling yet. She walks in front of my truck to get to the passenger side and glances inside the truck. I give her a small wave and instantly regret it. She looks confused and smiles back at me. Why did I wave? She's coming to get in my truck, obviously she knows I'm here. Ugh, this is already not going the way I want it to. She opens the truck door and sits down.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," she says.

I wait for her to buckle her seat belt and I pull out of the driveway.

"So I was thinking we could go to the beach," I say.

"Okay," is all she says back.

Why is she so quiet?

"Hey, why are you so quiet?" I ask the question I was thinking in my head. I glance away from the road to look at her. She looks uncomfortable. Did I make her uncomfortable?

She pauses a long time before quietly saying, "I'm a little nervous." She's nervous?

I laugh uncomfortably and say, "Me too."

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