Chapter 3

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Ok, I got a comment from my friend saying I should make these chapters longer, comment if I should make these longer. (Thanks hayleybrauer01) also I know the image is not really minecraft related but I wanted to use it plus it's cute. (or fluffy XD)

Knowing that our heroes have traveled at least 3 hours, the witch was pretty far. They soon set a place to rest.

~Time Skip~

The guys woke up and continued the quest, soon they were in a desert biome and Preston went wild over the cactus. "Sorry guys I can't help myself, it cactus for fudge sakes" he said. Preston soon stop obsessing over the cactus (though he stole one for himself) and continued with the others.

Preston's POV

Lachlan isn't looking so good, he looks sick. I asked if he's ok but he lied and said "I'm fine" well I don't think so.

"Jerome, are you using the map right? Cause I don't think you are" asked Vikk. "Yes I am using it right" said Jerome. Vikk then took the map from Jerome. "Oh you idiot, we passed the witch's hut hours ago". Everyone sighed and started walking with Vikk. Jerome was crying and ran into the woods, no one but Mitch turned around to see him go into the woods and started running after him. Mitch soon caught up to the bacca and held him close.

M- Mitch
J- Jerome

M: Hey buddy, you ok?
J: No, Everyone is mad at me cause I read the map wrong :'(
M: it's ok, it was a mistake, don't worry, you baccas are color blind after all
J: true, thanks Mitch :')
M: No problem, now come on, we need to find the witch
J: ok

End of chapter 3, I knew what to write for this chapter. I also put in merome fluff. (I think I am saying that right?) anyway let me know on some ideas on what they need to do before they see the witch. More updates soon. Bye!

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