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"For the billionth time, I'm fine, Jasper." Cassadee said with a huff. "You're actually giving me a headache at this point." She said truthfully as Jasper pulled up to the Swan residence.

"I bit you, Cassadee." Jasper pointed out, getting out of the car and using his vampire speed to get to the other side and open Cassadee's door. "That's not something to take lightly." He said as Cassadee got out of the vehicle.

"And nothing happened besides drawing some blood." The brunette said as she held her bandaged arm behind her as if that would keep the smell of blood away from her boyfriend.

"I don't know if I should be glad or worried that you aren't reacting." Jasper said as he looked at Cassadee's right arm, the bandaged one, even though he couldn't see the bandage the blood was as strong as ever. Almost worse than when James bit her. "I shouldn't even be around you right now."

Cassadee looked down at her feet, kicking a pebble. "Sometimes I wish I was a vampire, that way you wouldn't be uncomfortable around me."

"I am comfortable around you, Cass." Jasper said, his face and voice softening at her statement.

"Really?" Cassadee questioned, looking up at the blond vampire. "Because the closest you got to me was in the car and aside from that this few feet is the closest we've been since the incident." She said as she used her left arm to gesture to the four feet between the couple.

"I can't trust myself around you right now, Cass. I can still smell the blood. I still want to drain you."

"I guess kissing you isn't an option anymore." Cassadee said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Not unless you want to possibly die." Jasper said, his face showing more than that Cassadee had ever seen.

"That might be worth it." Cassadee said without thinking, she walked over to Jasper but he made sure to keep her at an arms distance. "Jasper, none of this is your fault."

"It still happened." The vampire pointed out before going back to the driver's side of his car. "Go enjoy the rest of your birthday with your father. I love you, Cassadee." He said before getting in and starting the vehicle.

"I love you, Jasper." She muttered as Jasper pulled out of the driveway, knowing he could hear her clearly. The brunette slowly walked in the house and sat on the couch with a sigh next to Charlie. She put her head on his lap as she felt her throat close up, she was close to crying and she couldn't help it.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" Charlie asked as he looked down at his daughter, worry written all over his face. "Did Jasper do something? I can take care of him, I'm a cop. No one would find him."

Cassadee let out a choked laugh as the tears threatened to fall. "He didn't do anything, Dad. I just want to spend the rest of my birthday with you."


"I need to talk to you." Jasper said when he reached Cassadee's locker. She ignored the vampire as she threw her textbooks inside, not caring how they land.

"Where the hell have you been?" Cassadee asked as she slammed her locker, making a few students near her jump and look at her. She wasn't mad at the fact that Jasper didn't come to school; she was mad at the fact that she knew he didn't come because she was there. Ever since the bite he had basically been avoiding her like the plague, despite the fact that she told him at least one hundred times that she was fine. She understood where Jasper was coming from but it was frustrating that he didn't seem to listen to her.

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