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"Jesus Christ, Bella." Cassadee said as she pulled her twin out of water just as Jacob had arrived.

"How did you know she was here?" Jacob asked.

"I just had a feeling." Cassadee said as she sat her sister up, patting her back just hard enough to make her cough up water.

"Jake, Cass?" Bella asked when she became conscious enough.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!" Cassadee asked when she was sure fine.

"Right now might not be the smartest idea, Cassie." Jacob said, looking down at Bella with concern.

"Like hell it isn't!"

"I'm fine, Cass." Bella said as her teeth chattered due to how cold she was.

"I'm really starting to believe you want to kill yourself." Cassadee told her sister as she stood up, brushing the sand off her knees.

"I was just doing it for fun."

"If you want to do something fun you go hangout with friends, or read a book in your case, you don't go cliff jumping, especially when no one was with you!" Cassadee scolded her twin. "If it weren't for me you would've died!"

"I would've found her." Jacob cut into Cassadee's rant, earning a glare from her.

"Not the point, Jake."

"I knew you guys would've found me." Bella said as Jacob helped her up, making sure to keep her close to warm her up.

"And what if it would've been too late?" Cassadee questioned, "Do you have any idea how Dad, Mom, or I would feel? God, you're so stupid, Bella. I love you, but I really want to slap you. Repeatedly."

"She gets it, Cassie." Jacob snapped suddenly, "She's fine, there's no need to lecture her."

"This doesn't involve you right now, Jacob." Cassadee huffed before walking back to the woods. "I'll meet you at home, Bella, don't get any more so-called fun ideas or I actually will slap you." She said before entering the forest and using her vampire speed to get home. She would've stayed with Bella and Jacob but she was not in the mood to deal with the lovesick puppy with anger issues at the moment. She was having a rather peaceful day watching cartoons until she got a feeling that Bella was in trouble.

When the brunette returned to the road just before her house, she could sense that something was different. Her eyes landed on the black Mercedes parked on the side of the road, Cassadee's eyes furrowed in confusion as she stared at Carlisle's car. She had no idea why he, or any of the Cullen's or Hale's, would be at her house. She walked to the front door, being cautious in case it was some kind of trick, which wouldn't be too farfetched considering the fact that Victoria was back.

"Oh my God!" Cassie said when she, quite literally, ran into a body as soon as she walked into the house. "Alice?" She asked as she turned the light on. "What the hell are you doing here? And why the hell are you just standing right in front of the door?"

"What am I doing here?" Alice asked in confusion, "What are you doing here? I saw you die!" She said before pulling the newborn into a bone crushing hug. "I'm so glad you're not dead!"

Cassadee was too surprised by the statement to immediately react, it took her a few seconds to wrap her arms around the fellow vampire. "Well, I'm obviously not dead. Not in that sense, at least."

"How did I not see you turn?" Alice asked when she pulled away.

"How the hell should I know?" Cassadee asked the brunette. "I had a panic attack and the next thing I know I'm a vampire."

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