Chapter 1

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OMG you guys i am watching Descendants right know then it past the scene were Doug sees Evie. IF YOU SEE WERE EVIE TURLS HER HAIR AND DOUG'S SAID "Hi ho!" JAY LOOKS ANNOYED AND ROLLS HIS EYES. lol just paranoid like that. Then it gave me this idea of this story.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Hey guys!" Evie smiled as she sat down in the gangs usually table at lunch. She put her tray down with an apple, sandwich,and an apple juice beverage.

"Hey!" "Sup." "Hi!"The three chorused at the blue princess and went back to eating.

"Soooo!Malllll! How have things with Ben going on?!" Evie asked with a sly smile on her faced. The purple-magenta hair colored girl, didn't respond but had a blush creep up her cheeks to the mention of her boyfriend,as she just continued eating. Evie let out a little giggle. Jay smiled and maybe blushed a bit

He doesn't know why but everytime he see Evie, he always has a way of smiling and making his heart feel....whats the word. ...when your happy everytime you see that person....llllo-..loved that the word. He honestly didn't know.

He admits that he had some feeling for her back on the isle but he never told anyone because having such feelings that were know as weak was in no need of expressing or has anything to do with taking the world or stealing, they were considered useless. So after all this years he has pushed those feelings away, mostly because he has never knew what the feeling was. He kinda knows the feeling abit more since he was in Aurodon where he wont be judged. He hasn't had those feelings towards Evie no more.

Sure he still thinks she very beautiful, but hasn't feeled the way he felt towards her like back on the isle.

While, Jay was in his own world he saw Doug coming towards his table.

He narrowed his eyes at Doug. Don't get him wrong he loves the nerdy boy but there is just something he has against him.

"Hey, Doug." Evie said. The son of dopey gave a light blush.

Jay felt his heart burn, and not in a good way, but in a way to start punching something. He didn't know why.



"Ugghhh she has been hanging around Doug for too long. Always Doug this and Doug that I can't take it no more.", I thought as i headed down the stairs. It just get me SO MAD. I saw Mal and Carlos eating at our lunch table. But were was Evie?

"Hey,Jay!" Carlos smiled, eating a sandwhich. I grabbed an apple from his plate and sat at the end of the table, across the two. That earned a "hey" from the blonde tipped boy, while i just ignored him and shrugged.I tried to push the fact of Evie and Doug's over loads of time spent together.

"Where's Evie?" I said munching on the red apple.

"Well look who is getting all fired up." Mal said teasingly.

"What!! What are you talking about!" Hoping that maybe Mal didn't ment what he thought she ment.

"Dude, please!! It is obvious that you have some feelings towards Evie." Carlos exclaimed. "Shut up! I don't! " I put is head in an arm lock around my buff toned arm."Ouch!Ouch!" I let go and saw Mal rolled her eyes.

"Ok,ok. Geez! You don't i get it!" Carlos said rubbing his neck.

"Ok, and Evie?" I asked again, which Mal and Carlos smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Well shes over there with Doug ." Mal replied, darting her eyes at something in back of me. I can tell Mal and Carlos exchanged looks behind my back as i turned.

I saw Doug and Evie laughing as they both were sitting together at another lunch table.My eyes turned to flame and that burning sensation in my chest came back. What is going on with me....
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will update my other story soon. Stay tooned.

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