Chapter 2

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Hello lovely people. Please check out my other Jevie stories and comment to let me know what you think, or vote. TBH I don't know what the vote is for but people ask there readers so.. Lol.
Jay's POV
I was heading down the hallway to the lunch tables when I see Doug holding Evie's hands. My fist starts to clench up and I have this feel the need to brake them up. I quickly marched to them and put my arms around there shoulders. They immediately let go of each others hand from my weight.

"Ugghh... Oh it's you Jay!" Doug said clearly annoyed by my present. I gave a fake laugh and walk with them down the stairs to the lunch area.

"OK well Jay I am going to with Doug and go study." Evie said awkwardly, getting out of my grasp.

"Umm.. Why are you going to study when you don't have books. " I asked.

She just gave a giggle that made my anger clam down. Weird. When I was dozing off abit, I heard Evie say bye as she walked with Doug.


I walked off angrily to tourney practice.

Tourney Pratice
They blew the whistle signaling that practice started. I was already on my tourney shirt and had the wooden stick in my hand ready to play. When I went running across the field to hit the ball when they throw it up. I managed to hit the ball first before the other player.

When I was running to the ball my vision some how turned my opposing team into Doug. My anger came back and a ran faster. I greeted my teeth and I wanted to hit anyone that went in my way. To bad that everyone was crowded around me.

I shoved everyone in my way. I was getting closer to the goal and I through the ball up high and once it was just right aimed I hit the ball as hard as I can into the goal. The force was to much that I broke my wooden stick. Once, I looked back and saw everyone on the floor groaning in pain, I felt relieved and happy. My anger was gone.

I heard a whistle blow and the couch shout my name.

" JAY! GET OVER HERE!" ugghh !! Looks like I am in trouble.

In Jay's Dorm
I was out the shower and was wearing a muscle shirt with some sweatpants. My dog loving friend was on the floor feeding Dude. When he saw me he stood up and said, " Well
I think I am going to have pain for weeks!" rubbing his shoulder.

I laughed abit and apologize. " Hey no problems, I can see that Evie has got you in a bad state." He laughed out.

I turned in a flash after he spoke. "What!! " " Haha, well you can tell that you have been abit tensed ever since you saw Evie and Doug hangout lately!" I got really mad that he would say that. I don't like her.

"Shut up!" I answered back."Well is does seem like it. Are those old feelings coming back." Carlos joked as he got in bed with Dude. Carlos always said back on the isle that I had a crush on Evie,which was true but like i said I pushed it away and didn't say anything.I ignored his comment and I got in my covers and tried to go to sleep.
3 hours
I was still awake. The lights were turned off and Carlos was sleeping with Dude at his side. My hands where behind my head. I was looking atthe ceiling as the window was open refelecting moonlight inside making everything blue. I was still think about what Carlos said. I tried to ignore it but i couldn't. "Are those old feelings coming back." They are not coming back. Its just that i feel weird everytime i see her with Doug or any guy to be honest. Then when she smiles...ahh... As I daydreamed. I sat up.

OMG! I-I.. like Evie...
I hope you guys liked that. I will update Jayvie/Jevie One-shots soon.

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