When the World Falls

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The war between the United States of America and the Confederates seemed to be over for now. The Confederates had withdrawn their troops from the Pacific coast, and retreated back to their homeland, encouraging the USE to finish off the American army. However, most Americans knew the Confederate surrender was not all it seemed to be. They were sure that there was to be another big confrontation was ahead.

But the American government could not be concerned over that right now, they had the USE force in the east to deal with, and they were more difficult to deal with. They had two main forces: a southern force that would fight it's way up from Mississippi and a northern force that was to fight it's way down from Massachusetts. 

The USE had their weapons: stealth suits, encryptors, and other amazing gadgets. However, the Americans had inventions of their own. Within the high tech labs of their capital's science facilities, the Americans made a break through in genetic science never seen to human kind before. From a single drop of blood, the American scientists could produce over one hundred clones, who could then be equipped and trained and sent into battle. 

The USE had not been prepared for this though, and sent it's southern force into Philadelphia, in the event that became known as the Slaughter of Phili. There, the 100 elite USE troops met the 1,000 newly developed American clone soldiers. The confrontation lasted an hour, and ended with all but one of the USE elite troops dead upon the ground, the one remaining was taken in as a prisoner of war, and became known as the Lone Man.

The Lone Man was later executed by the USA government in a gruesome method, never made quite clear to the pubic. 

 The USE had lost half it's fighting force within one hour.

It became clear to the world that the world, that the Resource Wars were coming to an end.

The fighting lasted another five months, with small battles here and there along the American coast line. Eventually, in the last months of the USA/USE war, the Americans developed a bomb of deadly capabilities never before seen. 

The D-Bomb, as it was called by the American officials, was the weapon that ended the war. The Americans were not content with simply dropping a nuclear bomb on European soil. They were hell bound on making the Europeans an example of American strength to the rest of the world. 

On November 8th, 2046, the Americans flew a bomber over the city of Paris, USE. The people of the city had been going on with their daily lives: children played in the parks, adults went to work, students went to school. Everything was as it should be.

Then, at 12:32 pm, the alarms rang out across Paris. The alarms that the people had been taught could only mean one thing... the Americans were hell bent on destruction. There was no safety. The people ran through the streets, the children clung to their mothers, the husbands tried to shield their wives as they watched the American bomber fly over the city bringing what they knew would be their ultimate destruction. 

The D-bomb was dropped.

The bomb was called this to mean, the Death Bomb. It had the same effect as an erupting volcano. It was not as destructive as a nuclear bomb, but was meant to be painful. To be flashy. To show the rest of the world that America was able to destroy them all with a push of a button.

When the bomb hit, it was not the same as a nuclear bomb. It first, sent a wave of heat across the city. A wave of heat so powerful that the people within a mile radius of the drop point of the bomb were instantly vaporized. 

Farther away from the bomb, the real horror began to show. The heat of the bomb turned people to ash. The heat then caused the ash to solidify into hardened shells, so the people of the city were nothing but hollow statues, curled around those they loved. 

The city of love had gone down in flames.

In the weeks that followed, the USE began to send volunteers into the fallen city to search for survivors. News cameras showed the remains of the city, live to the world. The horrors of what humanity could do was broadcast to every home in the world that owned a television. 

The cameras showed volunteers in Hazmat suits search through a city  covered in grey smoke. The sky was chocked with ash from the burning buildings and fallen people. The hollow husks of normal, everyday citizens were standing throughout the city. 

For eight days, the volunteers searched the city.

For eight days, the world watched as building after building was searched.

And, after eight days, the world watched as the Prime Minister of the USE announced to the world that, out of the 2 million people alive in Paris on November 8th, 2046, 0 people survived. 

The world sat in shock at what had been done.

To the people who had not even been a direct part of the war.

The world had finally seen what could happen, and what would happen...

When the world falls. 

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