People Call Her Bailey

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A/N: This was inspired by a writing prompt from a generator.

People call her Bailey. I, despite talking to her almost every day of my existence for about a year, never really understood her. It was like her brain ticked in a different way to everyone else's; she would avoid social contact, cancel plans at the last minute (some even went as far as to call her an antisocial recluse at times), but at other times she was as wild as a whipping storm, always early for everything and had enough energy to power the entire United States of America.

What was even more odd than that was the way Bailey transitioned back and forth between these two 'sides' of her in a matter of seconds. An example of when this happened would be when I and a small group of about three friends (and of course, Bailey) were talking. Bailey was acting hyperactive at that moment, until one of my friends suddenly said something, that I think triggered something in her. At that exact second, no, split-second, she instantaneously became the more asocial side of her. We knew this because of her sudden change in body language, moments ago she was gesturing wildly with bright eyes and a wide smile. Then, all of a sudden she was acting strange. Her eyes became dull and cloudy, her hands dropped to her side and she looked down, staring at the ground sullenly. There was a melancholy vibe that I got from her. It seemed to affect everyone else, making them seem more lethargic and miserable than usual.

Well, except for me. I seemed to be the only person that noticed this sudden change in everyone's moods, not just Bailey's. It was incredibly odd, to say the least. I began to consider she may possibly even be paranormal, but I dismissed the idea immediately, as it was far-fetched and somewhat stupid. I then began to wonder if she had some kind of mental disorder that gave her these traits. My mind wandered for a while, before I snapped back to reality as Bailey suddenly shifted right back to her social side. It seemed to have an effect on everyone else too. Then, the conversation continued as normal.

Bailey is incredibly abnormal. I do not know where she resides now, as I had to move away from that group of friends. We lost touch, and eventually I found new friends. Nobody there was quite like Bailey, though. She always had this special thing about her that wasn't her sudden shifts in mood. She could charm anyone, even the coldest of hearts. I hope to run into her again some day.

People call her Bailey. And I still don't understand her.

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