The Ghost Inside My House

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Today was like any normal day, well so I thought as I pulled open my cream curtains that opened up the fields and the bright blue sky, like I did every day, and I didn't think this day was going to be any different, why? Because I hadn't seen any ghosts in my house for a while, no noises, not moving objects, nothing, and because of this I was happy.

Now you may not believe me as I tell you this, just like my mom, and my dad, and I am not allowed to mention in in front of my little sister Mary as she gets scared easily, But here it gose.

I live with my mom, dad and little sister, we live in a big Tudor house in the middle of no where, now that's not the part I'm worried about you not believing it's this part, I can see ghosts, yes that's right actual ghosts, like people that aren't there, I hear them, see them, and feel them around me, since I was a little boy, my sisters age actually, only 3 I realised I could see them at first I didn't know what they were, they looked odd, Old big dresses, suits, they looked very posh.

On the evening of my 5th birthday I was asleep in my room and I got woken up by objects moving around my room, things like my rocking horse that was usually by my window had moved next to my bed. My music box open and playing a sweet lullaby. When I was home alone, at 10, just after my sister was born my mum and dad went out and left me in charge of the house, because it was in the middle of no where there were no worries, and because my mum when she was younger grew up in this house and nothing ever happened to her that she needed to be worried about she thought she had nothing to worry about.

It was that day, the day I was home alone that I saw the first little boy, it was only when I was 10 I started to wonder what they were, and because I heard adults always talking about how children have vivid imaginations, make up people, images of the mind, that children often invented to make there child hood more exciting. Because I was quite a lonely child, I played alone in my room, or in the garden while my parents did things around the house and because I was 10 when I got my first baby sister I lived most of my life alone, so I thought that these people I saw around my house were my imagination so I dont feel lonely.

This was strange because the 'people' never really payed any attention to me, but I thought as an imaginary friend they were meant to play with me and talk to me but they didn't, all they seemed to do was move my things and stair at me. Anyway on the day I was alone I was walking to my play room I was hall way down the hallway when I heard a gentle humming and moving around, I got scared so I stopped midway, clutching to my dress, not daring to blink, I felt a cold breeze past my face and whispers in my ears. They were so gentle I couldn't understand them and as I was staring at the play room door I saw a boy run out towards me.

He looked younger than me, about 6, he was pale and vivid like he wasn't there, like a mist, he was wearing blue, a blue hat, long white socks blue shorts, a white shirt, and a blue jacket, he had a small face with blue eyes and he looked up at me with them, glaring at me, not moving, not saying anything, until he whispered,

"This is my house, who are you? I'm telling mother, get out! get out!"

Then he vanished, my heart was pounding, I was terrified, this was not my friend this was an intruder.

Later that day when my mum and dad and little baby sister returned home, we sat down to dinner, half way though eating my chicken I looked up at my parents and said

"Who are those strange people that walk round out house mummy?"

She looked at me blankly and laughed,

"What do you mean? there are no people in this house other than us, Oh Jean you and your imagination."

I looked back at her and said,

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