My name is...

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"Mackenzie let's go!" I yelled at Mack. Today, we are going to Kalany's Dance Recital. Kalany and I have bond with each other since the whole hospital thing.

Now Mackenzie is taking time on herself, I really don't know why.

"Hello" I answered my phone.

"Hey babe" Josh greeted. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight"

I sigh "I can't Josh, I have Kalany's Recital at six"

"Really?" Josh's voice sounded a little louder.


"Nothing just looks like you never have time for me" I could feel his sad expression.

I have time for Josh. I've hanged out with him that time when I got a text from Kendall...

Whatever I know we went out when...

Or that time when...

"Josh, I really don't have time right now" I shook my head as I grabbed my jacket.

"Fine" He said before the line ended.

I sighed and yelled at Mack, so we can leave. The girl really has a high self- esteem.

Finally after several minutes she came down in a long black dress. "Finally" I rolled my eyes.

"Bite me" She shrugged. 

We were on the way to Kalany's dance recital when Mackenzie and I started arguing about McDonald's.

"Mackenzi, it's not the best place" I fought. Mack, could be such a brat sometimes.

"I'm telling you, it is" She said glancing at me. 

"Could you pay attentiom to the road please?" I pointed forward. Mackenzie gets on my nerves probably 100 times a day but I still love her.

My phone beeped and I read a text from Josh it clearly said.

I hate you.

Really mature Joshy...

I glanced up in frustration to meet a bright light and a incredibly thin sound.  My eyelids crushed down. I couldn't see anymore.


When I woke up I was in a white creepy looking room. I rubbed my eyes and sat. My arms had cut everywhere. 

What happened?

A nurse came in and she clicked around the computer next to me. After, she smiled to me "Nice to see you up" The nurse was beautiful,  she had dark skin and big green eyes.

"Yeah" I nodded "I just woke up"

"Well you've been sleeping for three days now" The nurse chuckled.

But I didn't "Three days?"

"Indeed, you had a car accident and had a minor concussion, tell me... what your name is?"

Car accident? I drive?

I smiled and said "My name is..." I frowned. Hold on, hold on, I got this. "My name is..." I sighed.

"Maddison is your name" She said in a comforting voice.

"Thanks" I gave her a small smile. I couldn't remember my name. In fact, I don't remeber a thing about three days ago. After the nurse left, I tried to make myself comfortable with the blankets on the bed.

I was about to dream when I heard "Hi Maddie..."

I jumped up and sat straight. I was so happy to see... anyone.

"Hi" I said confident.

"How are you feeling?" A boy about my age said. He was good looking too.

"Good" I giggled.

The boy sat on the bed next to my legs. He looked sad, almost guilty. "I'm sorry..." I could see his eyes tear up.

I honestly don't know a thing about this guy but I immediately felt sad for him "That's okay" I rubbed his shoulder.

"No... I should treat you better, be real with you" He looked me in the eye. "Look, I know you may be tired but I can't hold it, I do like you okay, I do but I know you would never like me-"

I could hear him go on but something didn't seem right "Why would you say that?"

He closed his mouth and let silence answer my question. "I guess I never told you" He sighed. "But I'm heee now, and when I heard about your accident I dropped everything to be here with you"

"Thank you" I smiled.

"No need to thank me, you deserve it" He chuckled. "So how's your sister?"

My sister... "Umm..." We started at each other for a few seconds. I really didn't want him to know that I don't remember the accident, or my sister or him. Therefore, I covered it up and said the first thing ..that popped into mind "I really don't know"

Hey, at least I'm not lying.

 "Want me to go check?" He stood up and waited for my answer.

"Yeah, sure" I shrugged. He left the room and I tried to remeber every possible image. While there a  blonde boy came in the creepy room, I snapped my head up and we started at each other for a few moments. Then he left. He most have gotten the wrong room...

"Yeah she's actually fine just injured her wrists" He said coming back.

"Good" I nodded.

  uHe frowned at me but sat where he was earlier "Yeah and the doctor said you could leave tomorrow morning"

"Another day here?" I groaned.

"I'm sorry..."

I am sorry too...


The day went by fast. I got to meet who I think is my mother and my sister. The guy who I met at the hospital seems like I knew him but I just couldn't remeber him. I heard my sister call him Gino, but that's all I know. He is really sweet and cute, we really get along. My mom really likes him too, he invited him over to my house to have dinner. What I am really scared about is him knowing that I don't know him. He seems so nice and I don't want to hurt him in anyway. We were on our way to our house and I was really excited to see it. 

"This is our house" My mom told Gino as we entered but it was me who was amazed by the glam of it. 

"Maddie?" Gino asked waving his hand. 

I snapped back to him and answered "Yes?" 

"What should we do know?" He asked a little uncomfortable. I really don't know myself, how am I supposed to tell HIM.

"We should go to the patio..." I cheered and walked around "It must be around somewhere..." I mumbled to low for him to hear. We found the patio and we walked through the sliding door and admire the view. The patio was huge, it had a pool, cute wooden swings, white relaxing chairs... 

I walked to the swings and sat. Gino followed me but instead of sitting he pushed lightly my swing. There were a couple minutes of quite and awkward silence until he finally said "And how's your life been?"


I thought about what to answer to him carefully, "Let's talk about yours... How's your life been?"

He sighed but said "Meh, it could be better" 

"Why is that?" A frowned filled my face and I was starting to feel like I knew him. Somethings were clicking.

"Because it could be with you"

That's when it hit me...

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