Chapter 4

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"why did you bring her!" JOELS wife screams. I begin to cry in the corner and grab the teddy bear that should've belonged to their chald.

She couldn't have babies, but I could. I could give them to joel so hef be mine. "Stop fighting!" I cry. "It's okay, go upstairs or something" Joel says. "It's not ok! It's not she ugly stupif and I don't want her in my home"

"I can help" I murmur. "Joel choose. It's me or her." His wife says. "You now what? I'm gonla pick her bc she doesn't yell at me or tell me what to do! I'm done with you"

His wife or ex wife now runs out and drives away. We'll never see her again, ever. I happily hug Joel and he hugs me vajk. "You're safe now"

He's saved me avain, like he always does.

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