Chapter 1 ~

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"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nova, happy birthday to you." I sit up with a simple grin on my face as I looked at the clock, it was a tradition that spot on 6:42 my mum and dad would come in to wake me up and sing to me. On my birthday, obviously.

It has never been missed apart from one year only, last year, my 16th birthday when my mum found out that her beloved husband was cheating on her. She was distraught and would not move from her bedroom.

Until she met Harry who she now swoons over, as do I.

Suddenly, I look up to see Harry and my grin soon turns to a frown as I realise that my mum was absent from the celebration.

"Ayy, don't frown chicken its your birthday!" Harry says lifting my chin "Here, open your present." He pushes a rather large wrapped box towards my chest and moves up the bed some more.

I smile and tear the beautifully wrapped paper off the box. I could tell that it was wrapped by Harry as my mother would have not taken any care into it let alone tie a dazzling ribbon around it.


As I set up my new MacBook, Harry and I discuss where the three of us should celebrate later. It takes me about an hour until it is completely done as I wanted to make it perfect.

Once Harry had left my room I started to get ready, putting on my makeup and pulling out my black crop top, a black and white shirt and my favourite black skinny jeans from my old wardrobe. As I examine myself in the long white mirror I pull my hair up into a messy bun and walk down the winding stairs.

As I enter the kitchen, I see Harry and my mum sat at the table grinning like two chimpanzees. There was a croissant with a candle in and an array of cereals spread across the table. "Happy Birthday Princess" Harry shouts, my legs weak as he calls me 'princess'.

I hug them both and sit down at the confetti filled table, pouring myself a bowel of cornflakes and buttering my croissant. "So are you enjoying your new laptop, Nova?" My mother asks me before snatching the butter away.

"Yeah, but I've only just set it up" I say giving her a glare "I wanted it to be perfect"

"Well okay, have you decided where we are going later?" She asks, Harry smiling at her.

"Um Harry said he would supri-" I say not being able to finish until Harry buts in. "We're going to the fair! It's only here once a year and I remember someone saying that you'd never been before." My mother gives me a concerned look, knowing that I had and I was absolutely terrified.


"I'm sorry that I can't come, you will be fine with Harry. Just have fun okay?" My mother very unsympathetically says as she apparently rushes off to a friends house.

Harry kisses my mother as we leave and I have to turn away to stop the envy taking over me.

The car journey was awkward as we didn't speak at all and sat in complete silence, me glancing at his beautiful tousled hair and emerald green eyes. Finally we pulled up at this so called 'fun' fair and both got out to buy our tickets.

"How many, Mr" The lady in the booth said leaning over and twirling her blonde, near white, hair.

"Um just two thanks" Harry replied, obviously uncomfortable.

"Ok doll" She smiled turning around and bending over seductivly to retrieve the tickets.

Harry did not do or say anything, but just stood there and stared. That Horny little slut I thought to myself, then to only realise that's basically me.

We went on a few rides, but saved the one I was dreading till last. The Ferris wheel. I've always been afraid of heights and the first and only I went to this fun fair, I had a panic attack at the top.


"Yes, princess?"

"I really don't like heights" I say as were rushed into our carriage.

"Don't worry, Harry's got ya" He whispers stroking my back.

As we gradually get higher and higher my whole body tenses Harry, obviously sensing this, puts his hand on my upper leg. A tingling sensation runs through my entire body sending waves of heat to my head and my not so privates, making me have too squeeze my legs shut.

When we finally reach the top, the wheel make a clanking noise and comes to a halt. "What the fuck is going on! Help me! Oh my god we're gonna die! Harry what do we d-" I scream, causing people in neighbouring carts to stare.

"Nova! Be quite we are going to be fine" Harry comfortingly says "Like I said, Harry's got ya" Putting his arm around me, gripping tight.

It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. I breath, clutching onto Harry.

Suddenly the sickening music starts to play again and the wheel continues to rotate, stopping each second for the inhabitants to exit. When it finally comes to our turn, I rush off faster then I've ever left a place before and Harry follows.

"How'd ya feel about getting a hotdog" Harry soothingly says walking next to me on the mud ridden field. I should have worn more appropriate shoes, shit.


Finally, when we get home I walk straight up to my bedroom and start to change out of my sweaty clothes. I stand in front of the mirror in my black lace underwear, forgetting I put them on and reach for my hairbrush.

"Nova princess, do you know wher-" Harry bursts in starting to say. "Oh um sorry Ididntrealiseyouwereundress- uh um ok" He says nervously, but not taking his eyes off of me.

Too be honest I enjoyed it while it lasted but he was soon to leave the room slamming the door behind him.

\\So hi guys, or my one reader, I've never actually written a fanfic before but I hope you like this one you horny little sluts. soz if it's bad lolololololol//

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