Chanel's P.O.V.
My name is Chanel Marie Johnson, I am 17, i have an amazing boyfriend named Kayin. He is 18 years old.
I have a twin name Chantel Marie Johnson. We look almost alike. She has a boyfriend named Derrick, and they are in love! Okay, back to me, I have two best friends, one is named Loria,who always has my back,
then there's Tatyana who is very shy, but can be mean at times.December 3rd 2015
Today me and Tatyana are going shopping for winter prom at Morton Ranch High School! We went into a store, where it was a lot of prom dresses. Tatyana has a boyfriend named Prince, and he loves the color red. So Tati is looking for a cute red dress. I am looking for a blue dress, cause that is Kayin's favorite color.Kayin's P.O.V.
This is Kayin Tillman, I love Chanel with all my heart, but sometimes she can get a little crazy. I don't really like animals, and me and Chanel have this private place to go and clear our minds, and tell our secrets to each other. It's a little pond where there is rocks on the side. It's just beautiful to look at. Oh wait here is Chanel calling...
Phone Convo
K- Hey babe
C- Hey wassup
K- Nothing just listening to music
C- Oh okay (says it weird)
K- Babe what's wrong
C- Nothing gotta go
End of Convo
That was weird, she never acts like that unless something is wrong.
_______________________________________________________________Picture of Chanel is at the top
What is wrong with Chanel