Chapter Seven

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   Adam woke with the buzz of anxiety thrumming in his whole body. The dream he was used to, though it still unsettled him. Knowing that he would be able to learn more of his past in a handful of hours made sleep impossible. He started his day at a quarter past four in the morning. He had spent the previous morning cleaning, and Pi was sound asleep. He didn't feel like painting, but needed something to occupy his time. He decided to go for a jog. He didn't usually run anywhere, but he knew this would be the perfect thing to focus his mind. The gym didn't open for five hours, so he didn't have many options. After he threw on a pair of shorts, a shirt and his shoes, he locked the door behind himself.

   He ran through the still streets, listening to the birds as they woke up, the sound of his shoes slapping rhythmically against the pavement, his breath whooshing in and out of his lungs, and his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He ran all the way to the pier. It wasn't that far, but it had a long and winding path he could travel to lengthen his run. He ran for a full hour before he paused to catch his breath, though he didn't stop, only slowed to a casual pace until he came to a wooden bench. He sat, staring out over the water. He could see the sky beginning to lighten in the horizon. The air around him was chilly, but he was sweating from his exertion. His green cotton shirt was stuck to his body and the black shorts he pulled on over his boxers were damp as well.

   As he sat there, the thoughts that were dancing around the edges of his mind finally invaded and he thought about Greg, wondering what kind of things he would reveal to him. What would he learn about himself? He had heard from one of a million doctors that sometimes people changed after brain trauma. Little things usually. A taste for foods they previously disliked, enjoying new activities, and finding old favorites to be less than fun. Sometimes though, sometimes the changes were big. He had met someone about a year after he woke up, who had fallen from a building. He had been in construction, and one day he just tripped and fell. Put himself in a coma for half a year. He had a young wife, but when he woke up, his personality had changed so drastically that he wasn't even the same person anymore. He and his ex-wife don't speak anymore.

   He hadn't thought about that man in some time. Jim he though his name was, maybe John. Something with a J at any rate. Adam wondered if he had changed so much that someone wouldn't recognize him, figuratively speaking of course. Maybe before he didn't like cats. This thought made him smile. That would be a change he didn't mind. He loved Pi. Maybe he hated chinese food. These were small things though, small possibilities. What if something big had changed? What if he used to have a temper? What if he used to drink or do drugs? What if... What if... What if... There were too many 'what if's.

   He sat there long enough that life outside of himself began to pick up. The occasional car turned into light morning traffic. Early morning joggers started to show up on the path, one or two at first, and then bunches at a time. The sun began to rise over the dark water of the lake. It really was a beautiful sight. He thought maybe one morning he would bring his easel out here and paint the sunrise. He always thought the sunrise was more glorious than sunset. Dusk was nice, but it was a tribute to an end. Sure it was more colorful, bright orange and firey red, even a few streaks of deep violet here and there. When the sun came up however, though not as visually stimulating, it gave hope. A new day, just waiting for you to fill it with wonder and adventure.

   When he had his fill of the sunrise, he stood, stretching. His muscles ached a bit, but he started the run all over again as he made his way back to the apartment. He had been out for close to three hours, just wasting time. He didn't know what to do now, and paced around the house, wishing time would go faster. He was meeting Greg at Zippers around two in the afternoon. It was only 7:30. He pulled off his shirt as he headed for the bathroom, kicking off his shoes on the way. He started the shower and finished stripping while he waited for the water temperature to even out. He took as long a shower as he could manage, washing every centimeter of himself slowly and methodically. It only took up an hour.

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