Chapter Ten

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Adam's cell rang while he was in the shower, and he happened to hear the voicemail notification sound while he was toweling off. It was Greg. He listened to the message and called him back. "Hey Greg, what's up. I was just in the shower," he said as he walked to his dresser. He could hear someone screaming in the background. It sounded like his girlfriend was flipping out about something.

"Howdy Adam. You feel like coming out tonight? Me and my girl are having a bit of a tiff, and I would really like to get away from her right now," he said as the yelling in the background was cut off with the sound of a door slamming.

"Yea, I can do that," Adam said, pulling out a pair of Tripps and a green t-shirt with the image of a triforce on it. He hung up with Greg to get dressed. They didn't live very far apart and Greg was ringing his doorbell in just a few minutes.

"Hey," he said as he stepped out the door and onto the sidewalk.

"Hey Adam. Thanks for coming out, really. That woman drives me insane when she gets like that," he said, taking his hat off to remove the hair from his face. That's when Adam noticed the black eye and cut lip.

"Holy shit! What happened to you? Did your chick whoop your ass or something?" Adam said, his mouth hanging open.

"Nah, just got into a bit of a disagreement with a fellow earlier, nothing to worry about," he said, turning his face away as he headed for the car. His words reminded Adam of what Zeke had said about his hand.

"With who?" Adam asked, telling himself there was no way the two events were connected.

"Fellow named Zeke. Like I said, no need to worry. I'll heal. I think I broke his hand though," he said with a smug grin, opening the driver side door. Adam stood there, staring at him. "...What?" For some reason, Adam decided not to tell, and just shrugged.

"Why would this guy start a fight with you?" he said instead. Greg didn't answer until they were seated in the car and on their way.

"Because he's a loser. Can't stand that I'm better than him," Greg said with resentment flooding his voice.

Adam felt himself getting angry. Who did this guy think he was, talking about Zeke like that? A loser indeed. He controlled the tone of his voice when he spoke again.

"You sound like you have a history with this guy," he prompted. Greg took the bait.

"He and I have been at eachothers throats since we were in diapers. Used to be friends, friendly rivalry and all that, until he went all fairy on me." Adam pointed out that Greg had his tongue down his throat just yesterday. "Yea, but I like women too. Zeke is just a fag. Only likes dick," Greg seemed to think there was a big difference there. Adam noticed he wasn't such a southern gentleman when it got right down to it. What could I possibly have seen in him? Adam thought to himself. Then he remembered that he was likely a very different person before the accident scrambled his brains.

"So that's why you guys aren't friends anymore? Because he's gay?" Adam asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone. Greg looked over at him.

"No, not entirely. There are other things," Greg shrugged but said no more. Adam wanted to hit him, to be honest, but found himself amused by the fact that Zeke already had. He wondered why though.

"What was the fight about? How did it start?" Adam was trying to figure out if it was because he had told Zeke about meeting Greg. That's when he suddenly had to run off, and his hand was damaged when he got back. Greg didn't answer for a while and then shook his head.

"I don't really want to talk about it anymore. My girl is already screaming at me for it, so I would rather forget it happened," he said with finality. Adam didn't say anything else for the rest of the car ride. After a few minutes, Greg turned on the radio. Country. Figures...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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