Chapter 1: Moving in

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I start my new school tomorrow. We moved here from Arizona about two days ago. It's Sunday, and we've barely unpacked anything.

By "we" I mean my family. My dad, Stephen, has only gotten out his favorite baseball signed by Babe Ruth, and a busted up recliner he has from his college days.

God, he needs to get rid of that thing.

It's got rips and tears everywhere, not to mention the faint smell of stale beer and other things I've never smelled before.

Well,whatever they are, Dad's not very proud of it. That's the only thing he doesn't like about that raggedy piece of furniture.

My brother, Harry, has gotten out his Xbox 360 and some gaming equipment. How cleché can a guy get? I mean,if you want a boring,ordinary boyfriend that has no interest in doing anything outside of his fort, DING,DING,DING!You've found your guy.

My mom, Angela, has gotten out everything she owns. Clothes,dressers,kitchenware, utilities,everything.

I've never liked moving, and especially not the whole packing and unpacking process.

My Mom on the other hand, could do that as her job.

I watch her cook our dinner while humming a catchy toon in her apron and stirring the pasta at the same time. She's nibbles on a piece of garlic bread.

Now that's multitasking.

If you ever need someone to cook,sing,and eat at the same time, my mom can hook you up. She has always been the first to pack and the first to unpack.

It's like everything has to be done for her. There is no doddering or instability of any kind with that woman.

It is convenient, but sometimes I wish she would relax, but I don't know if that even possible for her.

Wait, I remember her best girlfriend,Laila, asking her if she was up for a spa day over the phone while we were on the road. "You should come."Laila is almost to the point of insistence.

"Thank you for your offer, Lai, but I really need to get unpacked as soon as we get home."

"It's not home." I muttered.

Mom shot me a warning look and returned her focus to Laila, who had decided to give up on persuading her best friend and had changed the subject to her job.

Laila works as a mechanic, which makes no sense considering the fact she always has her nails done and smells like flowers.

By Laila's knockout appearance you would never in this world guess that she was somebody who could reassemble broken cars.

I understand where she's coming from though, because if a mechanic can go to a spa day without changing someone's oil in their car, then surely my mom can leave her sanitary hospital and relax for once.

"Hey Mom," She really needs a life outside of this house.

"Yea sweetie?"

"you should go to that spa day Laila offered you. You could use it. Take the advantage."

Mom looks at me with dubious eyes. She's being stubbourn. Alright, two can play at this game. So i stare at her beggingly until she finally cracks.

" Ok then, I'll think about it." I roll my eyes. Why is it so impossible for her to relax?

She never seems completely comfortable. Something about her is always tense. Maybe it's the small new muscles in her upper arms that she has from pushing medical beds with sick people in them all the time.

Maybe those are why she constantly seems on edge or maybe they get sore sometimes. My mother has never liked yelling or action-packed movies.

I wonder why.

Maybe i don't know my mom as well as i think i do. I've noticed how she moves when she hears yelling on the T.V or if my brother is being a smart alec to her.

She starts running her fingers through her hair, and taps those nimble fingers on a nearby surface.

She reminds me of a fish in water.

She'll have these subtle but quick movements or ticks. Like a threatened fish. It's almost like she's scared sometimes, but like me, she has extreme paranoia about everything.

It makes sense, being a nurse that is constantly working with trauma patients in the ER.

Mom's probably seen some pretty nasty stuff. I focus on my curiosity for a minute and then I realize Mom's trying to talk to me.

"Evelyn?" She tries to get my attention, but I'm preoccupied by the impossible task of trying to open this damn jar of marshmallow fluff.

"Oh....sorry mom. Yea?"

"Why did you bring up the spa day again?" I wanted to tell her the truth, I really did. I wanted to tell her how she never relaxes and how she gets odd sometimes but..

"Laila seemed like she missed you, so I think you should spend some time with her."

Mom has a ponderous look on her face. At least i got her to think about it.

"Alright fine, I'll go." She sighs and holds both hand up in surrender.

"Yes! Thank you mom!"

Before I know it I'm on my feet, running to embrace her.

She laughs at my sudden outburst of affection. She hugs me back, but doesn't let go as quickly as I thought she would.

" Umm, Mom?"

She immediately drops her hands from my waist and steps back. She looks distant.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes honey, im fine. Go unpack your things." The moments over. I decide to argue.

" BUT MOM!" I yell. "WE-" She cuts into me. " No arguing with me young lady. No buts. You know I don't like yelling. Now go to your room and get your stuff unpacked."


I get to my room, which is just a basic square with beige colored walls and a regular rectangle shaped closet.

It's not a big room but it's not the smallest one I've had. It's a decent size. I slowly start unpacking my things, and put my Queen poster on my wall above my bed.

Next I lay out my cosmetics, and my perfumes on my desk with a mirror attached to it, and im already tired. I lay down, and think about my first day at Mills Highschool. I'm so not ready for tommorrow.

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